1 result for (book:tps2 AND session:604 AND stemmed:our)
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(Notes on an abortive projection attempt: I lay down for a nap after supper on Friday evening, January 14. I used the bedroom in apartment four. We had been working long hours on our own, and I had been putting in overtime at Artistic, so I was quite tired. I dozed for a few moments upon lying down, then came awake to find myself with the unmistakable feeling of floating halfway to the ceiling of the bedroom.
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(Shortly after I became aware, Jane began to do the dishes. The geography of our kitchen in apartment four is such that noise can evidently seep through a closet wall in the bedroom and so is quite easily heard. Jane made noise handling the dishes, I heard the water run, etc. In addition she turned on her radio. Even though she kept it on low volume, I heard it. I told myself these things would not distract me. I lay without moving a muscle, trying to encourage further developments without straining. The floating-free sensation continued, but I wasn’t able to develop it further.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Jane and I hadn’t believed there was any connection between Jane’s Sumarian development, and Sumer, since the Sumari, as explained in recent sessions, had never been physical in our terms. Tonight’s session went into this, to our surprise.
(Shortly after supper this evening, Tom Milligan, a former student of Jane’s, brought us a copy of Saga Magazine for December, 1971. It contained an article by our friend Otto Binder, entitled “UFO’s Own Earth and All Mankind” This article touched upon many ideas we are interested in, and quoted astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, among others, re the ownership of the race idea. We spent some time discussing it. We had no opinion particularly, beyond remembering that according to Seth the whole question of the race of man and its origins, and doubts concerning theories of evolution, was vastly more complicated than was generally believed. Seth’s ideas of time give us quite a different approach to these ideas also.
(In The New York Times tonight I read an article, with pictures, of the Mars probe currently underway by our Mariner spacecraft. Dr. Carl Sagan of Cornell University was quoted in the article. Dr Sagan was also quoted in Otto’s article, regarding the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian legends and UFO’s, to our surprise. The question that has always bothered me is brought up—why does our history only go back five or six thousand years ago, when Homo Sapiens appeared some 50,000 years ago as an established species?
(In addition, I have always doubted the block-and-tackle idea used in constructing such massive, enormous wonders as Baalbek. With this goes my questions concerning the ability of sculptors to do the marvelously intricate carving adorning all of these buildings, on such an enormous scale. I have always wondered just how it was possible, with the few tools then available, according to our history, to do this work. It seems beyond the tools’ scope. I would delight in seeing it duplicated today, using identical stone, tools, etc., with time trials.
[... 42 paragraphs ...]
To have explained this to you when we began our sessions would not have been possible. (Pause.) Now give us a moment. (Long pause.)
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