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TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 4/85 (5%) Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 604 January 12, 1972 9:19 PM Wednesday

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(Notes on an abortive projection attempt: I lay down for a nap after supper on Friday evening, January 14. I used the bedroom in apartment four. We had been working long hours on our own, and I had been putting in overtime at Artistic, so I was quite tired. I dozed for a few moments upon lying down, then came awake to find myself with the unmistakable feeling of floating halfway to the ceiling of the bedroom.

(The sensation was quite definite, and quite strange. For I still felt my body against the bed—I lay face up, covered by a blanket—as though my body was pasted to the bed. In other words, I floated in the air, bed and all, quite pleasantly. There was no fear or panic. Instead I hoped to continue the experience into something greater.

(Shortly after I became aware, Jane began to do the dishes. The geography of our kitchen in apartment four is such that noise can evidently seep through a closet wall in the bedroom and so is quite easily heard. Jane made noise handling the dishes, I heard the water run, etc. In addition she turned on her radio. Even though she kept it on low volume, I heard it. I told myself these things would not distract me. I lay without moving a muscle, trying to encourage further developments without straining. The floating-free sensation continued, but I wasn’t able to develop it further.

(I nearly always use suggestions re projection when I lay down. I believe my tiredness tonight helped the state. Now I sent Jane messages that she would leave me undistracted, but nothing developed. The feeling lasted for well over a minute, I would estimate; finally it began to diminish or fade out, and I fell asleep again. Upon writing this, I now recall that immediately upon lying down I drifted into a rather complete, if brief, dreaming state—but I cannot recall the dream. But I went from the dream into the projection. RFB.

[... 79 paragraphs ...]

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