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TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 14/85 (16%) Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 604 January 12, 1972 9:19 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Shortly after I became aware, Jane began to do the dishes. The geography of our kitchen in apartment four is such that noise can evidently seep through a closet wall in the bedroom and so is quite easily heard. Jane made noise handling the dishes, I heard the water run, etc. In addition she turned on her radio. Even though she kept it on low volume, I heard it. I told myself these things would not distract me. I lay without moving a muscle, trying to encourage further developments without straining. The floating-free sensation continued, but I wasn’t able to develop it further.

(I nearly always use suggestions re projection when I lay down. I believe my tiredness tonight helped the state. Now I sent Jane messages that she would leave me undistracted, but nothing developed. The feeling lasted for well over a minute, I would estimate; finally it began to diminish or fade out, and I fell asleep again. Upon writing this, I now recall that immediately upon lying down I drifted into a rather complete, if brief, dreaming state—but I cannot recall the dream. But I went from the dream into the projection. RFB.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The session this evening, Wednesday, developed rather spontaneously out of several factors that combined almost effortlessly. The recent Sumari developments involving both of us played a part. So did my studying out photos of Baalbek, the first-century AD Roman ruins in Lebanon. The enormity of the stones in these buildings left me amazed; I didn’t see how blocks weighing 1200 tons could be moved without machinery, let alone fitted into place over twenty feet up on foundations, etc. The pictures were truly awe-inspiring. I came across them in one of the books on ancient history that Shirley Bickford, one of Jane’s students, brought for us to consult on the very ancient civilization, Sumeria, in Mesopotamia, from 4,000—2,000 BC, I believe, without consulting dates.

(Jane and I hadn’t believed there was any connection between Jane’s Sumarian development, and Sumer, since the Sumari, as explained in recent sessions, had never been physical in our terms. Tonight’s session went into this, to our surprise.

(Shortly after supper this evening, Tom Milligan, a former student of Jane’s, brought us a copy of Saga Magazine for December, 1971. It contained an article by our friend Otto Binder, entitled “UFO’s Own Earth and All Mankind” This article touched upon many ideas we are interested in, and quoted astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, among others, re the ownership of the race idea. We spent some time discussing it. We had no opinion particularly, beyond remembering that according to Seth the whole question of the race of man and its origins, and doubts concerning theories of evolution, was vastly more complicated than was generally believed. Seth’s ideas of time give us quite a different approach to these ideas also.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Thus, all of these points came together tonight and resulted in the session. In the beginning Jane’s pace was rather slow, her eyes closed often. The session was held in her study in apartment four.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s pace, as Seth, was now quite a bit faster.) Some such visitors in your terms were more evolved than others. All however would appear as superhuman in contrast to those civilizations that encountered them. There were some deliberate experiments, that were in fact far more dangerous to the experimenters, always in which the experimenters tried in one way or another to advance man’ s knowledge.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(It was so hot in the room that I asked Seth to wait while I turned the heat off. I also opened a kitchen window. Jane sat waiting quietly in trance.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The Sumarians (spelled) left the memory of their existence in the Sumerian culture (spelled. This is the connection Jane and I hadn’t believed existed.) They initiated it, though they did not direct all of its activities, nor were they responsible for the distortions of their teachings that often resulted. There is a difference then between Sumarian and the culture in the books. Your Sumarian were behind the culture—they initiated that particular civilization.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(10:01. Jane’s pace had been good, her trance good also. I had trouble in some instances deciding in the copy which spelling to use—Sumerian or Sumarian; in some instances my quick decisions were in error, I came to believe as I typed up this copy, so as can be seen I made changes. Jane read them over, and agrees that this copy is now as Seth meant it to be.

(I told Jane at break that I needed a capsule definition of Sumari, and she said that last night in ESP class Seth had commented, that the Sumari was a “federation of consciousness.” We get the duplicated transcript of each ESP class the following week, so we do not have the record for last night’s ESP class session, for January 11, yet.

(During break I referred again to the photos of the massive ruins of Baalbek, in one of the books Shirley Bickford lent us. I explained to Jane my feeling that the amazingly intricate stone carving, particularly the bas-relief work, seemed beyond the abilities of the hammer and chisel. Jane broke in to tell me that this carving was done by small instruments that used inaudible sound waves; these radiations softened the stone, she said, so that the work could be performed. She didn’t know where this data came from. If from Seth, it wasn’t obvious to her.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

(10:58. Jane’s trance had again been very good. Now she talked more about what she had said at last break, concerning the carving done on stone that had been softened by instruments employing sound. Only a very sophisticated instrument was used, she said, to soften the top layer of the stone so that it was “like frosting, which could then be easily carved. The instrument might have done both the softening and the carving.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(ACK-A-SOND-A. This is my phonetic interpretation of a word Jane got re the instrument in question, whether from Seth or not she didn’t know, as at last break. The sound wasn’t audible to human ears. The instrument “sort of looked like —I can’t really do it—the shape I’m getting is of a very rough pistol shape.... All you had to do was aim it. That was just for the small stuff.”

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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