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TPS2 Session 604 January 12, 1972 17/85 (20%) Sumarians Sumerian carving Baalbek instrument
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 604 January 12, 1972 9:19 PM Wednesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The sensation was quite definite, and quite strange. For I still felt my body against the bed—I lay face up, covered by a blanket—as though my body was pasted to the bed. In other words, I floated in the air, bed and all, quite pleasantly. There was no fear or panic. Instead I hoped to continue the experience into something greater.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Peculiarly, I had no feeling of being detached from my physical body—that is, I didn’t feel I was bodiless, hovering above it: I had taken the bed up with me, you see. I felt the bed and I were several feet above the floor. I wanted to try turning over astrally, and I wanted to try reaching up toward the ceiling astrally, to see if I could touch it. I didn’t move at all, though, because of the noise from the kitchen. I managed to hold the state while considering the kitchen interference, but was concerned lest any attempt at movement on my part would break the spell entirely.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Shortly after supper this evening, Tom Milligan, a former student of Jane’s, brought us a copy of Saga Magazine for December, 1971. It contained an article by our friend Otto Binder, entitled “UFO’s Own Earth and All Mankind” This article touched upon many ideas we are interested in, and quoted astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, among others, re the ownership of the race idea. We spent some time discussing it. We had no opinion particularly, beyond remembering that according to Seth the whole question of the race of man and its origins, and doubts concerning theories of evolution, was vastly more complicated than was generally believed. Seth’s ideas of time give us quite a different approach to these ideas also.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In addition, I have always doubted the block-and-tackle idea used in constructing such massive, enormous wonders as Baalbek. With this goes my questions concerning the ability of sculptors to do the marvelously intricate carving adorning all of these buildings, on such an enormous scale. I have always wondered just how it was possible, with the few tools then available, according to our history, to do this work. It seems beyond the tools’ scope. I would delight in seeing it duplicated today, using identical stone, tools, etc., with time trials.

(Thus, all of these points came together tonight and resulted in the session. In the beginning Jane’s pace was rather slow, her eyes closed often. The session was held in her study in apartment four.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now. Your human stock did not all originate solely from your planet. I never told you that it did. In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. Some of the information given in my own book, by inference, should have made that clear.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s pace, as Seth, was now quite a bit faster.) Some such visitors in your terms were more evolved than others. All however would appear as superhuman in contrast to those civilizations that encountered them. There were some deliberate experiments, that were in fact far more dangerous to the experimenters, always in which the experimenters tried in one way or another to advance man’ s knowledge.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

The pyramids, the huge boulders etched out (I think Seth refers here to Baalbek; I didn’t interrupt to ask), all of this was done in one way or another through the use of, a knowledge of, both coordination points in space (described by Seth in his own book) and the use of sound. (Also described to some degree.) There were instruments that released sound, and directed it in the same way, say, that a laser beam does with light.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The Sumarians (spelled) left the memory of their existence in the Sumerian culture (spelled. This is the connection Jane and I hadn’t believed existed.) They initiated it, though they did not direct all of its activities, nor were they responsible for the distortions of their teachings that often resulted. There is a difference then between Sumarian and the culture in the books. Your Sumarian were behind the culture—they initiated that particular civilization.

I will be clear. Your Sumarian showed earth people at that time how to communicate, how to initiate crafts, gave them all the fundamentals upon which a civilization then could be based. The Sumarians, your Sumarians however, were not of human stock at that time.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I do not necessarily mean that they are consciously aware of their affiliation. This is an individual matter. They are often inventors, always then involved with the initiation of new ideas or discoveries. All of this follows inner patterns that are specifically human in your terms. Humanity therefore has its own characteristics, and no (in quotes) “outside influence” can go counter to these, but must work with them.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

They accept certain characteristics, and while experiencing existence within them must follow along the roads they’ve chosen. Hence earlier I spoke of the natural bent of humanity, of all those, then, who choose existence within your particular planetary existence.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The ideas of space and time are constructed in different ways in various systems. In some they appear as natural phenomena, for example as various classifications of objects, in some as variations of sound or light. You find it exceedingly difficult to consider existence at all without space or time, yet basically consciousness is independent of both.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(10:46.) Think of countries existing simultaneously now on your planet. There are differences in language and culture, and it takes a certain amount of earth time to travel through space to visit them. In the same way all times exist at once, with their peculiar customs, and in your terms within the same space that you know.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It does not occur to you then that you can get to times, as you can get to places. (Pause at 10:53.) All of this is highly difficult to explain. I do not mean for example that time, each moment, is a finished and done thing to be visited. While time is not moving in a particular direction, in your terms, each moment explodes outward, or expands outward in all directions.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“But first of all,” she added as we continued to talk, “either that instrument or another one was used to isolate the top layer of the stone from the rest of it so that it wasn’t weakened. We had been discussing the very intricate and extensive bas-relief carving pictured on the doorframes and lintels of the ruins at Baalbek in this instance —not say the in-the-round carving shown on columns, etc.

(ACK-A-SOND-A. This is my phonetic interpretation of a word Jane got re the instrument in question, whether from Seth or not she didn’t know, as at last break. The sound wasn’t audible to human ears. The instrument “sort of looked like —I can’t really do it—the shape I’m getting is of a very rough pistol shape.... All you had to do was aim it. That was just for the small stuff.”

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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