1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session septemb 4 1972" AND stemmed:bodi)
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(“Some of which was great and some that I didn’t like ... The eye thing was like a tunnel and I went through it, through matter. It wasn’t as great as the time I went through the house next door, but this tunnel was very long and I went into another universe. I was floating and flying among stars and lights. Then I came down and there was this big body there. I landed on its head or shoulder. It was naked; like a transparent body because I could see the veins and nerves in it....”
(“I began to move it from the outside, slowly, like a marionette But then I didn’t like it, because it seemed to be in a wheelchair. I went ahead with it, but I didn’t know whether it had died, or what.” Now the tenant in the apartment above our living room began to play rock music very loudly, but Jane seemed undisturbed as she talked to me. Her eyes through most of the conversation were slitted open, her voice usual. She seemed to come out of the state temporarily. “I followed the body... through a series of chutes and came out like a butterfly.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(9:25. “I’ve been doing something else,” she said after a lengthy pause. “Wait a minute... Then I was behind my head. I rushed down my own spinal cord, into my body. Then I saw a lot of little tiny men. This is hilarious. They were inside my knees, with hoses, washing out my knees with crystal clear, pure water. Then they went to the back of my neck... Now they’re climbing up the bones of my spinal column and straightening them out and doing things...”
(“Now I feel really big—like that figure. Oh, I’m getting really bigger... like I’m really big and light like a balloon.” She smiled at 9:30. “And now these little men’ve got little things like trowels, and they’re taking scoops of white stuff out of my body and throwing it away. They spray something on the part first, that makes this white stuff soft, then they scoop it out.”
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(We took a break. There was a little more to the session after we thought it was over, and I made notes about what was said without using verbatim quotes. Jane had some very beautiful images, she said, of the muscles of her neck and back as they supported her head. She could see into her body. She saw the muscles named first as a series of snakes with many heads; the heads changed into hands that supported her head and rotated it about very flexibly. Then came images of the muscles and fibers of her arms.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]