
1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session septemb 24 1973" AND stemmed:now)

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 19/43 (44%) reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session September 24, 1973 9:32 PM Monday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now: Dr. Seth has a few preliminary remarks. Give us time as always with this kind of session.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

He is now reassured enough to drop the disciplinary measures. He thought previously that Eleanor and Dick would be a means, and there was a period from the time when you met them, until now, when for him everything was critical. The carrot was out before the horse. The promise of where he wanted to be. These are just short phrases.

He believes now that he is in a pretty fair position, one he can happily accept creatively and financially. He has also learned along the way. It was not really great wealth, but some acceptable framework of financial security he was after, and some assurance that his books would bring him this, along with the freedom of creativity as he understood it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now on his part it was precisely that conflict that got him into difficulty, and that brought about the ideas of “work.” He became angry, and still is, when you show normal criticism of Prentice and their dealings with our books, or his, because he feels that you do not really understand how difficult it is to market creative work, and since you do not sell your paintings you should not criticize his admittedly worrisome efforts. The fact that some of your criticisms are justified makes him worry the more, that he is not doing as good a job as he should.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now give us a moment.... He felt that in a way he was doing this for both of you: that despite what you said, if you wanted to paint for a living, or rather, simply to paint and thereby live, you would take those chances that he was taking, and whatever consequences that followed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

So he was keeping the terms of the old contract. In the meantime you had learned so much, and so had he, but he still interpreted what he learned in the line of those old beliefs. He now realizes he has what he wanted—a creative framework in which to exist, with some financial independence. But he is now faced with body beliefs that have been built up as a result of the previous conflicts, and those are what you have to combat.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I will give you a break, and then continue with some practical suggestions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now: the original reasons for the condition are vanishing. In order to bring about those conditions however, Ruburt reactivated old body beliefs that now have to be dealt with.

He had healthy enough body concepts that had to be minimized to give him the symptoms, and this was done by reactivating beliefs he had “grown out of” before his symptoms. His mother gave him the idea that he was not graceful, for example, and this idea was reactivated. He was not allowed to take physical education because he was “not strong enough, and too high strung” when he was in high school. He was told not to run, but walk, to slow down because it was too dangerous to go fast, because he was too nervous. Now those beliefs, which he had dispensed with, were reactivated as aids, and they are the ones that now must be tackled.

Your body can now perform better—that should be used as a morning and evening suggestion, and anything you can say will be of help in that regard. It is highly important as a body belief. He must trust the relaxation period. There are periods where there is some disorientation, as the body rids itself of tensions, at its own pace, and they will be followed by periods of physical ambition.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

While he is adjusting to this, let him take 3 hours a day, including Saturday, in which he is to be creatively free. He will do more “work” then than in 6 determined hours. Each day now, I want him to take his walk, even if it is only around the house. The corner is fine, but around the house is better than none; and to sit down for bowel movements.

He is to check with you when he feels blue, for your more objective attitude can help him. You are now left with the body beliefs, and not with the original ones behind them.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now these are my week’s suggestions, and I want, beside what I have just given you, a ten-minute badminton session daily, or pounding of the pillow for a lesser time—but one or the other. He must be encouraged to use the body, for he will see it respond, and the feedback is highly important for his confidence.

We are dealing now with body beliefs, then. Impress upon him that he is not moving too fast, that he is not so nervous that he must slow down, meaning slowing down the body.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I will have you both do the point of power exercise. But for now I expect this week’s suggestions to be faithfully followed.

He wants to recover now. You must help him realize that he can. If at all possible go to an establishment at least once a week, where dancing is a possibility. If not, any kind of public endeavor is important. He can expect more relaxation periods now, so have him go along with them, and watch his moods then.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You have yourself obtained benefit from this last group of sessions, understanding the reasons for Ruburt’s condition so that your gentle encouragement now can be highly advantageous.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The guidelines for the work I have given are simple and not overtaxing. I want them clearly followed daily. Now—do you have questions?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now I bid you a fond good evening. As per your article, a black hole was involved.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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