1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session march 22 1972" AND stemmed:normal)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Your husband’s attitude, certainly on the surface, has been understanding. Yet despite the surface attitude you feel, this is a duty, and you have set in your mind a bogeyman, called Orgasm. You have glorified what orgasm is—the unattainable, and therefore, the symbol of all the other qualities you want to achieve or think you should achieve, but do not have. The term, itself, sets up a barrier. In the spontaneous, normal natural feelings you have, you always question: How far am I going, how much am I giving? Always beginning with the idea that the orgasm for you is impossible to achieve. Your body has a set of contradictory doctrines—it cannot behave on its own. The negative taboos over the years have built up. Some of this can be immediately negated if you do one thing.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
In your particular case I would even suggest that you stay away from the normally accepted sexual areas for awhile, and enjoy instead of the content (?); i.e. when he kisses your hand, and you are aware of the sensation of lip against palm and vice versa—be aware of feeling also in your hand on his skin. Lose yourself in that sensation. This involves active concentration on your part.
[... 54 paragraphs ...]