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TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 20/85 (24%) Hugh steak demands significant greater
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session January 3, 1973 9:45 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(It is January 4 as I begin to type this session from notes. As of now we have so far mailed the letter to Eleanor re Rich Bed; phoned the ad about a house in to the Elmira paper; obtained the paint for Jane’s workroom; put up new curtains in her room; begun inquiries about the duplication of the letter for readers who write to Jane; packaged the first six chapters of Seth’s book to mail to Tam at Prentice-Hall tomorrow; begun to check the galleys for Oversoul Seven—all of these being items on the list we made out a couple of days ago. Another checklist will be included at the end of this session.

[... 1 paragraph ...]


[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now. (Slowly.) Through the years (pause), Ruburt has been more and more aware of other kinds of psychological realities and structures than those usually experienced. He was born with that capacity, having chosen the course. The capability was there then long before it showed itself.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now until Ruburt’s psychic experiences and the beginning of this expansion of consciousness and abilities, he was used to relying upon other levels of trust. He identified completely with his body. Afterward he could not identify with his body in the same way. A whole new orientation became necessary, and it did involve a time of stress.

The reasons given still apply, but all within this greater framework. The body’s needs to some extent even have changed. Now much of this would have frightened you both in the past, and could not have been given until you reached a particular point of development, and achieved a new status both separately and in your relationship.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(“In its own way tonight’s session is as significant as the first session we had,” Jane said. “It’s like you’ve been through a training period you didn’t even know you were going through—and now, in our terms,” she said with surprise, “it’s taken all that time. Like I’ve been scared as hell to move out of the old framework. I didn’t know where the hell I was going...Take the Sumari, and when I hear the voices: what in hell am I supposed to do with those things?”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. In your own way you have done the same thing, and for the same reasons, as far as your work is concerned. You have tried doggedly (intently) to interpret greater experience in old ways, using “old” (in quotes) channels that are adequate for usual creativity in art—but painfully restrictive as far as you are concerned. I will have much more to say to you regarding that.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

The expansion of consciousness is large enough to become a different kind of consciousness (dash)—if it as allowed freedom. He held back in the ways given. You held back from many of the experiences that you could yourself encounter, and you are now ready to begin an acceleration of our own that will be largely interpreted through your work, if you allow it.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

For now class should be continued. Your social life should and must not be allowed to deteriorate. You both need that contact, but free you see of the demands he has felt from, say, correspondence. Nor need he feel at the beck and call of anyone who wants to come here for a session or otherwise.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Hugh will serve in your place in classes, unless you attend. Hugh can (underlined) serve in that capacity, but it is important now that someone does.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Later I will suggest that Ruburt cut down on both sugar and milk for coffee, but for now let it stand. The nuts should be kept on his desk however, and nibbled.

Now. The creative writing class has served its purpose, provided you keep up your social life. It should be dropped. He needs the time, and it has become a method of helping people.

All contacts with any spiritualistic groups must be avoided. The two of you, though I am speaking mainly to Ruburt, must combine your forces and cut out any demands (underlined) made upon you by others. I am speaking now of your working sphere of activity.

On the other hand you must at the minimum (underlined) work 4 and ½ hours a day at your own painting. Chores will be taken care of, and fall into their proper place. The same applies to Ruburt at his work. You can utilize your nap period to a far greater degree than you do. You are to consider yourselves pioneers. Ruburt in particular is now finally to forget other people’s opinions of his activities, and forge ahead. Their opinions never affected you to that degree.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My books are meant to give you some financial framework in which to operate in practical terms, besides their other purposes. There are roadways open that Ruburt has been afraid to follow for the reasons given this evening, to which he is now acquiescing.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He now realizes that growth cannot be held back. Now later, but not in a distant future, your nap periods will be utilized for joint out-of-body work. The further developments latent since our sessions, are now ready to proceed. The feeling of accomplishment and peace will give you a feeling of greater time available within your daily framework. And as soon as the (Xmas) tree is removed, the badminton.

Now this is phase two, and you cannot regress, only go ahead—and Ruburt realizes it now. Give me and yourself a rest.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Holding back from your own expansion of consciousness impedes energy through the body. When your own relationship was rocky, Ruburt therefore was twice as frightened as you were. These suggestions, if completely followed consistently (underlined) and wholeheartedly, will completely free the body. They could not have been given in this way earlier, for reasons that should now be apparent. You had to be within the framework of an excellent relationship with each other.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now the two of you are growing together in new ways, in which your individual aspects are enhanced. But through this, or because of it, a greater joint energy becomes possible in which all the abilities of your consciousnesses expand. It will be a most illuminating year. Give us a moment.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now I bid you a fond good evening, after a highly significant session—

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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