1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session januari 3 1973" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
Now until Ruburt’s psychic experiences and the beginning of this expansion of consciousness and abilities, he was used to relying upon other levels of trust. He identified completely with his body. Afterward he could not identify with his body in the same way. A whole new orientation became necessary, and it did involve a time of stress.
The reasons given still apply, but all within this greater framework. The body’s needs to some extent even have changed. Now much of this would have frightened you both in the past, and could not have been given until you reached a particular point of development, and achieved a new status both separately and in your relationship.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
The expansions of consciousness on Ruburt’s part did involve some natural feelings of disorientation with his body and the world, that all in all were handled supremely well.
[... 33 paragraphs ...]
He now realizes that growth cannot be held back. Now later, but not in a distant future, your nap periods will be utilized for joint out-of-body work. The further developments latent since our sessions, are now ready to proceed. The feeling of accomplishment and peace will give you a feeling of greater time available within your daily framework. And as soon as the (Xmas) tree is removed, the badminton.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Holding back from your own expansion of consciousness impedes energy through the body. When your own relationship was rocky, Ruburt therefore was twice as frightened as you were. These suggestions, if completely followed consistently (underlined) and wholeheartedly, will completely free the body. They could not have been given in this way earlier, for reasons that should now be apparent. You had to be within the framework of an excellent relationship with each other.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]