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TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 15/85 (18%) Hugh steak demands significant greater
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session January 3, 1973 9:45 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(It is January 4 as I begin to type this session from notes. As of now we have so far mailed the letter to Eleanor re Rich Bed; phoned the ad about a house in to the Elmira paper; obtained the paint for Jane’s workroom; put up new curtains in her room; begun inquiries about the duplication of the letter for readers who write to Jane; packaged the first six chapters of Seth’s book to mail to Tam at Prentice-Hall tomorrow; begun to check the galleys for Oversoul Sevenall of these being items on the list we made out a couple of days ago. Another checklist will be included at the end of this session.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

He was afraid of going too far too fast, and worse, of going alone. Controls were applied as he learned to experience and use his growing abilities. The fears about being an official psychic were to see that he did not fall into the temptation of allowing all the dogmas to be tacked upon the phenomena, so that he would not operate within old frameworks, and therefore tacitly give voice consent to them.

In all of this you also acquiesced. It was known that only by presenting the material in writing, and eventually in books, that his personality would accept it. He would also be driven to critically analyze the phenomena (hyphen)—and in books, because he is a writer—before he felt free enough to simply create (period).

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You recognized them as signs of caution and acquiesced. The freedom of Seven was the first sign of release, but not accepted on all levels. (Pause at 10:15.) You understand, though imperfectly, what happens when you are between beliefs—sure that one is no longer adequate, unable to rely upon it as you once did, but not yet able to fully accept another.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The reasons given still apply, but all within this greater framework. The body’s needs to some extent even have changed. Now much of this would have frightened you both in the past, and could not have been given until you reached a particular point of development, and achieved a new status both separately and in your relationship.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(“In its own way tonight’s session is as significant as the first session we had,” Jane said. “It’s like you’ve been through a training period you didn’t even know you were going through—and now, in our terms,” she said with surprise, “it’s taken all that time. Like I’ve been scared as hell to move out of the old framework. I didn’t know where the hell I was going...Take the Sumari, and when I hear the voices: what in hell am I supposed to do with those things?”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The expansions of consciousness on Ruburt’s part did involve some natural feelings of disorientation with his body and the world, that all in all were handled supremely well.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

For him emphasis on potatoes in all forms except deep fried, and greens—spinach, turnip greens and the like. Citrus fruits for him should largely be avoided, particularly with milk together. All other fruits however should be better utilized in his diet. The pear and apricot juices particularly are good.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The commercial weight-gaining liquid is highly contaminated, and should be avoided. Malted milk is all right, good, but never more than two glasses a day. Fish, chicken, with some veal. Some beef is all right, but not as a steady diet. I definitely do recommend both the daily vitamin E plus an overall vitamin and mineral supplement.

All of this also applies to you, and cut down your own but not Ruburt’s intake of salt. The food recommended has a stabilizing and nourishing effect on your (underlined) systems at their present stages of development. You can handle citrus, while Ruburt cannot.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

All contacts with any spiritualistic groups must be avoided. The two of you, though I am speaking mainly to Ruburt, must combine your forces and cut out any demands (underlined) made upon you by others. I am speaking now of your working sphere of activity.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

All of these suggestions will release both of you in important ways. He was never meant to give his entire conscious concentration to (in quotes) “psychic” work. The freedom of his own creative work will enhance those abilities, but also free him for some further expansions of consciousness that are meant to follow. The same applies to you, and in these endeavors you must work together.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The same applies to you in your work. Greater belief and trust in yourselves is necessary, and it is for this reason that you must ruthlessly cut out all other demands. These are also the roads Ruburt was afraid to go ahead in, and was holding back.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now the two of you are growing together in new ways, in which your individual aspects are enhanced. But through this, or because of it, a greater joint energy becomes possible in which all the abilities of your consciousnesses expand. It will be a most illuminating year. Give us a moment.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You should make all efforts to move by spring. In the meantime Ruburt should “bless” (in quotes) the bed in whatever way he chooses, because of old aspects picked up when you were ill.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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