1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session januari 3 1972" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(At supper time this evening I explained a few problems of a technical nature, connected with my painting, to Jane. I believe I have solved some of them, or at least am embarked on the right course after a very long period of trial and error. They involve mostly portrait work, and such mundane things as the handling of paint, both opaquely and thinly, and the symbolic meaning behind these things. I told Jane I wasn’t asking that Seth go into these this evening; I preferred that he talk about Jane or the Sumari work. I made the extra effort to explain these concerns to Jane because I feel it’s part of the resurgence I seem to be experiencing since we made the decision that I leave Artistic at the end of this month.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Trust between you and Ruburt was also a prerequisite according to your own plans, set earlier. The impetus to help you is a built-in one, also meant as a further stimulus to Ruburt in his work and in our work. Already the energies of your natures are beginning to regroup. You have therefore a firm foundation from which to begin your endeavors as long as you understand and believe that you have.
[... 29 paragraphs ...]
Now some strong portions of Ruburt’s energies are already working in your joint behalf. The exercises are important symbolically because they show he is willing to spend time with his body rather than ignoring it. The intent will add to the exercises’ effectiveness. The body will be encouraged to free its rhythms and reestablish its natural ones. Energy will be released, but (smiling) three days is hardly enough for him to expect great results. The results will come from the changed attitudes. These themselves brought about the desire to exercise, and the desire flowed outward from your decisions. Areas of the body are being manipulated and literally washed, that have been relatively untouched and denied energy in the past. The exercises, and again because of the inner interests, will bring about a weight gain, normal bodily weight as the adjustments continue.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]