1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session januari 1 1973" AND stemmed:right)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
For some time Ruburt felt he was a failure, as a wife and as a writer. He did not see you succeeding, either. Conditions mentioned far earlier made communication difficult, and he brooded. The mobility, the point of mobility, represented moving ahead in his work, or not moving ahead. The apartment became a symbol. It was quite all right for the aspiring writer. If however he could not achieve the kind of success he wanted, then he might as well have the trappings.
(I was quite surprised the other day when Jane told me that our two apartments were okay to her if she was a writer, but not all right for a psychic—especially one who was becoming well known and was visited by all kinds of people, etc. She also told me that to her the idea of stairs represented success and failure—up and down, etc.)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
You were involved in his attitudes. He felt (long pause at 9 PM) that he had no right to try to do “creative” (in quotes) work that might not pay. He felt also that you were jealous of his own writing, but not of the psychic work, this being further in the past.
[... 33 paragraphs ...]
(Subsequently, Jane several times was seized with a strong ache in her lower right jaw. Her pendulum told her she was picking up on Bill. We haven’t heard from him since the call. Monday, January 1, 1973, we decided to go for a ride, since it was a beautiful day. Unknown to me Jane’s jaw began to bother her as she left the house.
[... 36 paragraphs ...]