1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session februari 26 1972" AND stemmed:energi)
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Some of your own energy has been held back then from your work for that reason. You often tie yourself in knots, considering alternatives, none of which are ever taken. Hence a continuing sense of upset results. This is also the result of so double-checking impulses that few of them are followed through. As a result no clear-cut decisions are made, and the feeling of being off balance ensues.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Your set of problems are of the most creative kind. They are problems from which great potentials can emerge. Your full energy for work and your creative drive is released, and will be, as you creatively use and understand your problems, but not concentrate upon them, not let them close your eyes to the joys and freedoms that you have. You get what you concentrate upon. There is no other main rule.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
On your return I expect you to concentrate your energies in both of your works, then in maintaining communication. Now the sexual area can serve as a great aid, and will be quite illuminating. Ruburt’s ambiguous feelings and the various stages of repression are clearly seen there. There are points where he wants to cry, and if he lets himself feel these stages you will be able to recognize them and go beyond them. They are symbols of course for release of various kinds, and the blockages or points of conflict will clearly show.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Emphasis should not be on performance but on expression, and Ruburt particularly encouraged to express all feelings, no matter how ambiguous. There are natural results, activations of hormones, quite necessary, that are released at such times that greatly benefit the system. The ambiguous feelings must be expressed. The drive, when it shows itself as last evening, is often irritating because the muscles and nerves connected have been so held back, instead of a clear flow of sexual energy then.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]