
1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:598 AND stemmed:now)

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 38/141 (27%) Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 598 November 24, 1971 Wednesday

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

Now. Good evening to you.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(To me:) Now, you remember, because of one of your experiences and something I said in a session—or, rather, another portion of me said in a session —having to do with the fact that Seth II, if you could perceive him, would be as small as a brown nut. (To Rob:) And so you were perceiving a core of energy that radiated outward and infringed upon this reality—intruded upon it: hence, the fragmented area about it, you see, and the seemingly jagged effect.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now, the energy here last night was strong enough so that it could be picked up very easily, but you perceived its approach. Do you follow me? Before it was here, in your terms, you were aware of its approach and began to prepare yourself to perceive it in whatever fashion you could.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You began the physiological procedure at approximately four o’clock yesterday afternoon. Now, Ruburt also knew what was going to happen and that you would be involved, simply because the eye effect frightens him and he is always aware ahead of time of such activities on your part. You are all Sumari.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I want to make a point to you, however: you can imaginatively receive data now without the eye involvement. In the past, in your very earlier years, you needed that mechanism. It caught your attention. It pivoted it and made you concentrate. Now, you see, that you recognize the connection, you will not need it. It leads, however, to a strong pivoting of your energy. You are concentrating your own perceptive abilities and energy almost in the same fashion, for example, as a laser beam concentrates energy. Do you follow me? So that the vision that you received, while it was microscopic, was still brilliant, and radiated strong energy.

Now, such a vision is not only something that you see that intrudes upon this reality, but also something that has its effects upon this reality, and often effects that you do not perceive. You perceive the appearance of the image, but its other effects escape you. The concentration of energy itself, is highly important, you see, and changes the behavior even of the atoms and molecules within the neighborhood of its appearance.

Now, remember what I told you in the book about the black holes and the concentration of energy. Now, such occurrences allow you unusual exchanges of energy from one system to another. They are fountains, therefore, of new energy; and their very intrusion into your world activates that reality in a different fashion, usually in a quickening, stirring, transforming fashion—an activation, say, rather than a slowing down.

There are, incidentally, levels of motion so fast that they attain what seems to be a level of complete peace. Where motion is not perceived. Beyond such levels, the motion is perceived again and the period of peace seems over. Now, in the case of your experience last evening, the image itself by its appearance activates the air in the atmosphere. In that activation, however, it achieved, finally, a level of seeming peace where you do not perceive it, but in which it still exists. There is also a reason why you perceived it in the particular room that you did, you see.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, the energy that was here last night became suspended for a time between the two apartments so that there was a give-and-take. Had you been even more aware, for example, it would have been fairly easy for you to perceive more than you did, and you could have done it through sketching. You could have brought out forms that were here beneath your visual perception.

Do you have any questions, now, in that regard?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. Give us a moment. (Pause.) There are alliances in all levels of reality—there are attractions that reach even bright space and time, groupings of consciousness, associations, psychic attractions that hold and mold various kinds of consciousness in a loose organization. There are personalities who come together for certain reasons, varying reasons, whose individual inclinations are somewhat the same, and purposes. You may think of the guilds in the Middle Ages, for example. These groups of consciousness range throughout history as you know it. In their own way, and according to their capacity and purpose, they change and alter the nature of the universe, sometimes by being born within your historical time, and sometimes by trying to reach those who are within your historical time. They are far closer in your terms because of their natural affinity than they are, for example, sometimes even to other portions of their own entity, as you might be closer to a strong friend than you are to certain members of your own family, though they may be of your own blood. It is a membership of choice, in other words, of attraction and respect, and usually this is bound by like purpose and endeavor. These are true families.

In this case, you would have received the information now or later; it was yours, you would receive it. Because of the circumstances, however, and the two family deaths, the information was available, and used to remind all the class members of the different kind of familyship, a different kind of endeavor, and to offer a different kind of assurance and bonds that are not destroyed in your terms by any amount of reincarnation or any amount of time you use them.

Now you may take your break.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, who is taking the record this evening and who has been taking records for class? And enough said in that direction.

Now. Let us speak about the Sumari. Ruburt does not like the idea of brotherhoods, alive or dead, so I should not use that phrase. So we will say that the Sumari are a guild. In much earlier times, they would be a royal guild, in that they are the richest, the most expansive. They have indeed, on their own, begun civilizations. They have a large membership. It is impossible to speak to you in terms of membership, however, for the idea of individuality is not clear with you yet, and you would think in terms of how many individuals.

(Long pause.) I am trying to find words that will not offend our friend, and sometimes it is difficult. This group, therefore, has always been involved in the kind of work in which you are now involved, and on a grand scale. They never forget their members. There are indeed initiates, but all of you passed that stage in another layer of reality, in your terms, some time ago. Their main activities take place in other levels of consciousness. You are on missions, in certain terms. You do attend meetings, when you are in the sleep state, between lives. You work through many layers of reality at the same time. Now, these are the people, for example, that you (me) were speaking of, the strangers that you see in your dreams. You are affecting each others’ realities, but you have always done this to some degree.

Now, this is different from the speakers. A speaker may or may not be a Sumari. Some speakers are Sumari, and some are not. There are bonds of affection and understanding that unite this group, and a speaker may or may not be one. The relationships, however, go between realities; you can be closer, then, with another Sumari than you are with a husband or wife, particularly if you do not like the husband or wife overwell. It is not true to say that this is a religious group in any way, but it is true to say that this is a very strong alliance. And the alliance is of a kind that is difficult to explain. Whole, for example, may work. Together, and have, to initiate certain discoveries on various worlds, or to prepare the groundwork, in your terms, for future events. They interweave, not only through your centuries as you understand them, but through other realities. They are great coordinators.

Now, many are efficient in one particular reality, and devoted to it. But the Sumari coordinate very well, and move within a freedom that is denied to many. It is simply their nature.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. Astrology, as it is thought of, and as it is taught, you see, represents but a vague shadow of something far different. Consciousness generally can be divided into certain characteristics, hardly the number, the small number, presently given to it, for example, in charts, the twelve houses. Now, that sort of thing is a dim shadow, in three-dimensional terms, dealing with one planet, of a much more vast system. And in that vast system there are this particular group of people, who are united by certain traits and similarities.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The speakers generally do not fall into any particular group. Do you follow me? There will be groups of speakers, within these large guilds. Now, I am using that term purposely.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Initiate and nourish, in his particular case. The Sumari, however—and they all initiate—initiate the birth of systems. They constantly carry communications between systems, and they deal with the initiation and communication of ideas, from one system to another. Because they are initiators therefore, they are creators. They are, however, comparatively speaking, like those who create and then are satisfied to go on to other creations. They want someone else to take care of what they have created. They do not want to hang around to now the grass, in other words. But those who mow the grass could not create it.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now, there are some things that I will have to explain to you slowly. And the true answer to your question will take time. One Sumari is all Sumari. There are gradations, in those terms, within the Sumari alliances; therefore, everyone is not at the same level, if you follow me: it is an organization of affection, loyalty, and abilities; and there will be varying grades within their alliance. Now, everyone who was here last night was Sumari, and many who come to class, even for one time, are Sumari.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is not indeed. I want to go into, and I will at a later date, the connections between this kind of reality and the astrology that is now popular.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are being recognized, in your terms, as your present personalities by your guild again. The conscious self was not told, you see. You are now ready to take up conscious membership. It is only a way to acquaint your conscious self with your real and deep alliances. The information would have made little sense some years ago.

Now, I will also have some things to say concerning the nature of the two “personalities,” in quotes, for whom our friend spoke last night. But I suggest now that you take a break, even though I do not have to worry about the state of your fingers.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The session is not over. Now. There are several reasons why the personal last evening appeared feminine in the first instance; and this is a matter again of translation. The Sumari are initiators and creators. They are filled with feelings of abundance; they have great energy, you see. There is not a word in your vocabulary to explain what I am trying to get at. The word “graciousness” as used last evening comes faintly close. The feminine seemed to apply, therefore; it was a way of getting these characteristics across. It was also a way that Ruburt used to translate the idea of the particular kind of creativity involved; the idea, indeed, of birth, for this is the birth or a system, of a new kind of reality, that this group is involved with.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will be doing that. I do not want to involve you with an esoteric language that can be used to close others out as well as to unite you. But there will be terms that I will be giving you. And again, this development was latent in the early beginning of our sessions. Now, give us a moment.

(Long pause.) The multidimensional experience of this group was suddenly and surprisingly present for Ruburt to draw upon last evening. Now, he translated this into layers of voices, and various languages, and did not know how to translate or contain the information that was quite legitimately available. Now, this is a storehouse of knowledge, not of one personality in your terms but, for example, it can be compared, to your racial history, to the achievements of your people, its goals and purposes.

Now, as you (Rob) might perceive such information visually, it is translated for Ruburt in an entirely different fashion. Therefore, you see, I do not believe that at one time you will be able to get a translation of some of the old speakers manuscripts, but it still will be a difficult endeavor. The same information can be given, you see, in other ways. Now, I am interested in your reaching people at large.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

You must ask him. Now. Ruburt’s friend, his darling Dr. Wilt, is indeed a Sumari. They both knew it at once, and you are lucky they did not go into that chant and dance right there. The gesture, in your terms now, was a translation, not into words but into a physical gesture, of acknowledgement and recognition.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

They did indeed. They were well aware of their affiliation. Now, you for example, are also a Sumari, but the same recognition did not hit you. The doctor, however, did pick it up as far as you were concerned, though to a lesser degree. He and Ruburt have worked together, you see, on other occasions and also have known each other in some past lives. He knew you as a Sumari but he had not worked with you, in your terms, personally. They were closely involved, and in a work relationship, a highly personal work relationship. They were also members of several small tribes.

Now, all of you communicate in the dream state, and they had me there often also, discussing work in which they had been involved in the past.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There will be no doubt if they trust their inner reactions. You first have to be aware that the group exists. Now, what about our friend over here (me)?

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

And now, I bid you a fond good evening, not worried about your fingers (Rob), but our friend’s over here (me). We will have to send her additional energy. She will doubtlessly have some experiences on her own as she types it out, however, to compensate. I look out for her.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(“Well, you do now, don’t you?” Rob asked me.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I bid you a fond good evening. And some night I will do our chant for you.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now. We are not going to get into a discussion of all the guilds or brotherhoods this evening, because I want to do a good job when we do it now. The chant, however, the vowels and syllables used in pronouncing the chant, are highly important and evocative. The sounds themselves are keys that tune you in, so to speak, with certain frequencies. In other words, the chant is a tool in that regard, a translation in completely different terms, of something far different.

Now—I bid you good evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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