1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:598 AND stemmed:natur)
[... 47 paragraphs ...]
Now. Give us a moment. (Pause.) There are alliances in all levels of reality—there are attractions that reach even bright space and time, groupings of consciousness, associations, psychic attractions that hold and mold various kinds of consciousness in a loose organization. There are personalities who come together for certain reasons, varying reasons, whose individual inclinations are somewhat the same, and purposes. You may think of the guilds in the Middle Ages, for example. These groups of consciousness range throughout history as you know it. In their own way, and according to their capacity and purpose, they change and alter the nature of the universe, sometimes by being born within your historical time, and sometimes by trying to reach those who are within your historical time. They are far closer in your terms because of their natural affinity than they are, for example, sometimes even to other portions of their own entity, as you might be closer to a strong friend than you are to certain members of your own family, though they may be of your own blood. It is a membership of choice, in other words, of attraction and respect, and usually this is bound by like purpose and endeavor. These are true families.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now, many are efficient in one particular reality, and devoted to it. But the Sumari coordinate very well, and move within a freedom that is denied to many. It is simply their nature.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]
Now, I will also have some things to say concerning the nature of the two “personalities,” in quotes, for whom our friend spoke last night. But I suggest now that you take a break, even though I do not have to worry about the state of your fingers.
[... 53 paragraphs ...]