1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:585 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)

TPS1 Session 585 (Deleted Portion) May 12, 1971 3/61 (5%) creed panel permanent symptoms sketches
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 585 (Deleted Portion) May 12, 1971

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Elements of the creed would consider whether she should have these sessions, whether they should be public or merely private, whether they should be published now or later, or never, etc. I was, and am, anxious to do anything that will help, and will feel no regrets. Jane has already learned that she doesn’t want to do merely psychic, Seth books, like the Edgar Cayce series, for instance—from her own work on the creed. She wants to, and needs to, do work in which she is her own creator, and goes through the creative process from start to finish consciously, etc. It doesn’t really matter that the Seth material is excellent, etc. What counts is her reaction to it, and the symptoms, as far as I can tell at this time, are all too clear a sign of her reaction to it—at least an important part of her is reacting this way.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

(Excellent. Part of this was quite unknown to me consciously, but is the kind of data that once realized falls instantly into place.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

There will be no problem however as you become aware of these connections. You looked for great order, to create in painting an ordered universe, to find perfection that ideally you felt should be in the exterior world, and yet was lacking. You discovered that order itself springs from spontaneity, and this is your first real attempt to bring the two together. Do you have any questions?

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

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