1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:528 AND stemmed:jane)

TPS1 Session 528 (Deleted Portion) May 13, 1970 9/24 (38%) penis spot toward disoriented Pinocchio
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 528 (Deleted Portion) May 13, 1970

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(10:51. Jane sat quite still in her rocking chair. A one minute pause, eyes closed.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(11:00. Jane’s trance had been good. She had several things to say. The first was that she was momentarily disoriented when she came out of trance because the chair she was sitting in was not where she thought it was while speaking for Seth.

(Jane was really “fooled” when she opened her eyes and saw her position. She thought the chair was several feet to her own right, closer to our wall-to-ceiling bookcase. “I thought that me, the whole bit where I’m sitting, and me, it seemed to me that I was over there,” she said, pointing to her right side. This reminded her of the recent session when she momentarily seemed to be speaking as Seth from near the same bookcase.

(When Seth directed energy at me in the beginning, Jane saw my erect penis straight, then in a pyramid shape, with the end “rising up and up like Pinocchio’s nose,” she said. It was as though there was a very elongated pyramid over the penis, she said.

(I should add in these notes that the day after Seth first directed energy to my penis in a recent session, I noticed a definite improvement. The next day the condition was as before; and I had described this to Jane today.

(Jane felt the concentration of energy was stronger when it was directed toward me from the rocker at the start of this episode. When Seth spoke of my hands, Jane saw my astral hands upraised—as I was really writing at the time, with the palms outward, toward her. She said energy was particularly directed at the 4th and 5th fingers of my left hand, although energy was going to both hands. Jane said she saw my hands as she had seen her own arms straightened out yesterday. The two fingers mentioned of my left hand were somehow different, and needed the energy, she said. I told her that although the penis had reverted to its original condition, I had been aware of a noticeable and steady improvement in the right hand condition, although no previous suggestions or energy had been sent to the hands before, by Seth.

(Re the energy coming from in back of me: Jane said some kind of projection may have been involved here. Part of her consciousness was at an elevated spot on the wall in back of me. Actually the wall didn’t exist, Jane said, merely this dot or spot of consciousness in back of me. Jane did not see me from the spot, nor herself. Yet from this spot behind me there was a part of Jane’s or Seth’s consciousness with energy coming out like a cone, again.

(Jane felt that part of her was in back of me, that it was some kind of projection, yet she also “saw” this spot from her seat in the rocker, with her eyes closed... At one time, very dimly, Jane felt something was behind her, also, directing energy toward her.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said she had trouble describing some of this data. Nor could she say how or whether she and Seth “worked this” experience(s) together, separately, or just what. These notes may not be in exact order according to developments; they are put together from what Jane told me after the session. End.)

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