1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:480 AND stemmed:should)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I suggest however that you continue your own prayer periods, as you have been doing them. Ruburt during his period should imagine feelings of exuberance, energy, and inspiration, general feelings of release and freedom. Let him play a game with himself however as to how long he can honestly forget (underlined) his symptoms in daily activity. Do not give them extra energy through concentration.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
They have indeed. Now give me a moment, (pause), and a long moment. (Pause.) Concentration should not be upon feeling well enough in the morning to do something he wants to do. It should be upon the thing he wants to do, and away from the physical condition. When he feels his full enthusiasm bubbling up in his work he will not need to give himself suggestions that he will feel well in the morning.
The inner self will see to it that he does. Health should be considered then —and this is important—as a means to a desired end; full productive creative work; full use of abilities; daily enjoyment; helping others. When he focuses upon health itself as such, he overconcentrates. Health as a means to excellent performance in fields that are important to him; health as a means to use those abilities with which he has been honored; health as a means to bring joy to himself and hence to others; health as a source of strength that is available always to help him use those abilities and to fulfill his destiny here, now...
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
The focus again now therefore, in his prayers, should be on feelings of peace, tranquility, safety and joy in creativity. He need not fight invisible enemies nor brace himself against them. This sort of focus, for his personal makeup, will bring about a quicker complete recovery. Now, you have the season on your side. Give me a moment. (Long pause.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
He should put into the bedroom objects that have particular value for him. I do not mean furniture necessarily. But the bedroom is devoid of the favorite objects he keeps about him in this room. (The living room.) He feels that such objects are protective, and since he is without these he feels more vulnerable.
[... 26 paragraphs ...]