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TPS1 Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 7/60 (12%) conscientious super spontaneous self hurry
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 9:35 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This session is also deleted from the regular records, since it deals with personal material. Jane began speaking at a rather fast rate, with her eyes closed, as she sat on the divan.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The overconscientious self is also extremely powerful, driven by remarkable amounts of energy. When both portions of the personality are in agreement, then Ruburt’s personality is literally overwhelming, filled with vitality and unbeatable.

The energy of the overly conscientious self is as strong as that of the spontaneous self, hence the impasse that had been reached. He can only go full steam ahead when the whole personality is convinced of his course. For the personality knows full well the tremendous force of its own energy potential, and it would be literally disastrous for one portion to go ahead at the expense of the other. Therefore, regardless of present consequences, one portion has been kept down in order to avoid any serious, that is disastrous, cleavage.

The overconscientious self is protecting the whole personality against what it considered evil. It can be reeducated. (Pause.) There is a cleavage apparent in Ruburt’s distaste of the word God, for example.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Last night’s poor sleep and symptoms were simply a reaction to the information given (in last night’s session), and represented a momentary (underlined) stiffening of position by both sides of the personality. For both felt equally guilty for the physical predicament, and were acting self-defensively. (Pause.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

The old neighborhood has enclosed him, and he must now truly escape its limitations while using the psychic potential of his experience as an integrating power. (Pace slower yet.) It is also responsible you see for the remarkable potential that he has. He does not feel free to use his full energy until all portions of the personality are convinced of the goodness of his purpose. (Long pause.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Both portions however have great capacities for survival, and are each strong, so that the personality has indeed survived. There is a need for the spontaneous self to understand the purposes of the conscientious self also.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

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