1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:208 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Personal material from the 208th session, November 15, 1965. Not included in the regular record. Delivered at our request.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Our sessions in general, the matter of spontaneity and discipline, your own fears, rather natural enough, concerning any subconscious effect I might have on Ruburt.
[... 50 paragraphs ...]
Now, I simply do not know where to begin with our friend Ruburt. First of all however, one small point. I have never manipulated his subconscious, in any manner, and both of you called me the evening of our last unscheduled session. We will devote some time to this whole matter.
(Here Seth refers to the unscheduled session held on Friday, November 5, for Ann Diebler, Paul Sinderman, and Marilyn and Don Wilbur. A few notes about it preface the 206th Session. Consciously I had not wanted to have the session, since I thought our guests not well-enough prepared.)
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
The pressure, I am sorry to say, has also some connection with our sessions, in that he feels caught betwixt and between; somewhat under pressure to hold sessions regularly, although he may not feel like particularly doing so; and under pressure not to hold sessions when he may feel particularly like doing so. This in relation to the abdomen.
He feels more pressure to hold sessions now regularly because of our doctor, and more pressure not to hold sessions when he feels the urge to, because of your own fears; that is, your fears and his fears.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]