1 result for (book:tps1 AND heading:"introduct by rob butt" AND stemmed:sidewalk)
[... 51 paragraphs ...]
Ed guided me through a poorer section of Saratoga Springs to Middle Avenue. It was almost dark. The narrow “Avenue” had a sidewalk only on his side of the car. On my side was an abandoned red-brick grade school behind a wire fence.
[... 61 paragraphs ...]
While we were surveying the house I saw a young black man step off the front porch and stroll out to the sidewalk. He didn’t turn to walk up or down the street, however, as one might expect, but casually stood there and turned to look at our group a few times as we talked and took pictures. Evidently we’d bothered at least one tenant after all, to the point of sending a sibling, say, to try to see what we might be up to, if anything. Perhaps deciding that we were no threat, our observer sauntered back into the house. I never did see anyone peeking out at us, though.
[... 41 paragraphs ...]