1 result for (book:tps1 AND heading:"delet session may 6 1970" AND stemmed:should)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Then he should think, it is done—that is, straightened, and let it go at that. Have him do it out of the corner of his mind, as it were, and whenever it comes to his mind.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
The present notes he has written to himself are highly effective, and he should follow them and the procedure they suggest. What he felt this week, and in beginning his book, was the rousing of his energies. Then he can direct them. Now when he feels a sense of exhilaration—he knows the subjective feeling I refer to—then have him direct it, that energy, to his arms.
You have been holding on to your own symptoms while Ruburt still has his. They are like notes to yourself, reminding you that things are still not as good as they should be. Tell yourself that you can help yourself and Ruburt far better without the disease caused by the symptoms. Once they were reminders that you also had a part to play in the entire situation. You accept that fact now, and therefore no longer require them. The need for them is over. Once they were meant to promote your psychological understanding, but now they can only impede your progress; and you are also slightly resentful at Ruburt, feeling that he is somewhat responsible, by still maintaining his symptoms, for your own.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
The inspirational aspects however can be strengthened and magnified on both of your parts. The positive approach on your part, mentioned earlier, can indeed be interpreted in such a light. You feel with some justification, that Ruburt in his own concern forgets your lingering symptoms; and he should make an effort now to use his abilities to help rid you of these.
Often you can help each other quite effectively, direct your energies toward the other, and bypass those impediments that help prevent you from using your own psychic energy as well as you should in your own behalf; so that you can help Ruburt in some areas where he is weak, and he can help you in some areas where you are weak. You get a full concentration of healing energy in this way, and directed through love.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]