
1 result for (book:tps1 AND heading:"delet session januari 20 1971" AND stemmed:all)

TPS1 Deleted Session January 20, 1971 10/52 (19%) protest fears terrified mother accuser
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session January 20, 1971

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

In the initial stages of Ruburt’s withdrawals, the exaggerated chatter also served to fool him, you see, as well as others. He would become all the more animated. He recognized some of these characteristics in your Jesuit friend. (Bill Gallagher.) They frightened him and were at least somewhat responsible in helping shake him loose. (Last week.) Do you follow me?

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

The apathy was caused when he simply decided to bring things to an end. Stopping the normal activities he had to some extent insisted upon allowed him to become aware to some degree of the subjective feelings that had been beneath all of his activities. He was face to face with them and with the natural end product if they were continued.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He thought you discouraged deep conversation unless there was some crisis that brought about a confrontation. He could not admit his fears to himself nor share them with you. He completely lacks the ability to discuss normal fears and worries in any kind of neighborhood contact—with girl friends. The fears finally became so charged that all normal discussion was out of the question. He used ideas of positive thinking to squash the fears down more securely. Their charge was so strong that he felt you were as frightened of them as he was, and therefore to discuss them would threaten you also.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He could not give himself well in your personal intimate relations because it was with you most of all that he had to watch his expression. The fears had to be kept away from you or the game was up. He could not afford then to let go. He thinks fears are an admission of helplessness, that you always wanted someone who was free and independent, and that you would have no use for anyone in that position.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt also has feelings about food, as you know—eating with strangers or with people he does not like. All of these enter in. His mother ate too much, and this is a way of asserting his independence from her. She was very fond of food, and Ruburt now pretends to dismiss it. This did not occur earlier, but only when the fears brought additional charge. He often cast you as the accuser, and therefore felt he could not communicate. You had something to do with this in the past. Later the course was set, and when you withdrew your faulty attitudes, he went on the same course.

He is particularly susceptible along the lines of his work because he felt from childhood that his ability was the only thing that made him lovable at all in his mother’s eyes, and that his entire worth as a human being was dependent upon how he made out as a writer.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

All of this has been unconscious on his part. He has not been that aware of it. He felt then that he had no one to turn to or to help him. He was also afraid that his fears about physical reality now and in the future were so drastic that you would also be terrified, and that together you could not solve the problems. He was terrified of doing anything that might make you ill, and determined to bear any worries or problems alone.

He keeps minute by minute count of you when you are working—all unaware, yet he makes it a point not to ask you about your painting a good deal of the time. To show concern you see to his way of thinking would be to admit, even briefly, he has any fears at all regarding your work. The charge had so built up that if you had one bad afternoon painting, he saw this as a sign of complete failure on your part; and he did the same with his own work.

The unrecognized fears latched upon any unpleasant event then, exaggerating it out of all context.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

To give expression to a need for help, or to show a need for comfort would be seen as weaknesses in your eyes. You felt that other people were weak, indecisive, stupid, ridden by fears. This is his interpretation of your feelings. To admit a need for comfort or to admit fears would put him, in your eyes, in the same category as all these others.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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