1 result for (book:tps1 AND heading:"delet session januari 18 1971" AND stemmed:normal)

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 3/92 (3%) trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session January 18, 1971 Monday

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Both of you however have a tendency to dig inward, and to concentrate upon negatives. Now if you were different kinds of people, you see, your own moods would fluctuate widely in the normal give and take with other individuals. You (to me) at your job are helped in that manner. Ruburt closed off even from you the expression of his fears; many quite normal fears, dangerous only because he considered them so.

I have told you in the past to make room in your daily or weekly or monthly lives for variety of a quite normal kind. I mentioned for example long ago, short trips. When ordinary measures are not taken, then more drastic ones become necessary. Your greater communication is of benefit, and was of great benefit this weekend. There are cycles, highly individualistic, of emotional moods. Depressions that are communicated allow the feelings to move on, regardless of the reasons for the depression.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

When he felt unwanted, this was also his reaction. Initially there would be no outward change of behavior except for a compensatory additional noisiness of faked gaiety and singing. For some time the organism could take this, and as situations changed the spontaneous self would once again emerge. With a changing physical situation necessitating agile manipulation, the physical stimulations came so quickly that the pattern did not have a chance to jell. It did not become a normal pattern of behavior, but one that was now and then adopted.

[... 47 paragraphs ...]

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