1 result for (book:tps1 AND heading:"delet session januari 18 1971" AND stemmed:especi)

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 2/92 (2%) trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session January 18, 1971 Monday

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had become very frightened a couple of days ago to realize she was becoming quite apathetic. Her legs, the knees especially, had been poor. Yet at the same time we had learned some valuable things on our own, especially over the weekend. I was very anxious that we get all the help we could.

[... 65 paragraphs ...]

(Although we were both tired by the end of the session, I had the feeling that Jane, as Seth, was a bit reluctant to go too much into the affair with Prentice re The Seth Material, and ended the session rather abruptly at that point for that reason. Not that I don’t think Prentice owes us some explanations, for they do—especially since they told us nothing of any plans, good or not so good. We wouldn’t know the little we do know if we hadn’t written them a month or so ago, wanting to know what had happened to some long-overdue travel expense money, etc.)

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