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TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 1/82 (1%) magical intellect Mary rational pad
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Three: Man and Other Species. Mistakes as Corrective Action. Definition of the Magical Approach
– Session Three August 13, 1980 8:57 P.M., Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(At least, I told Jane tonight after I’d remembered that I’d forgotten to clip the article for my predictions file, we know where the article is on file, where it can be located if necessary: at the newspaper office. I speculated about the reactions of public personalities when their predictions don’t work out. I hoped their errors are not rationalized, or made just for the publicity, since the psychics have to live with them. We’ll keep a lookout for any follow-up articles on the subject, but I suppose it will die like any other item in yesterday’s news. What do the predictors secretly think in such situations, though? No one is perfect. Jane hasn’t tried to predict similar events. For some of Jane’s predictions see Appendix A.

[... 76 paragraphs ...]

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