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TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 16/82 (20%) magical intellect Mary rational pad
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Three: Man and Other Species. Mistakes as Corrective Action. Definition of the Magical Approach
– Session Three August 13, 1980 8:57 P.M., Wednesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(I finished typing the last half of Monday’s session just before the session tonight. I reminded Jane that I think it’s an excellent one, and that I want to type copies for us of the material between 9:15 and 9:36, wherein Seth explains that the intellect needs to realize that it doesn’t have to go it alone, that it is supported and aided by other portions of the self. I think this insight can help Jane greatly. I also told her I want to quote portions of Monday’s session in Seth’s current book, Dreams.

(A note: The Democratic National Convention is in its third day. As I typed away after supper, I could tell that Jane was listening to the speeches on TV in the living room. Then I realized I’d goofed: Last Saturday, our local paper had carried a short article to the effect that a psychic we’d heard of had predicted recently that Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia would obtain the Democratic nomination for president, after a deadlock between Carter and Kennedy developed at the convention. I read the article and called it to Jane’s attention. I’d meant to save it, but instead the paper ended up bundled up with the trash for pickup this morning. Since the Carter forces won the fight to keep the convention “closed” during its first, Monday session, this assures Carter the nomination on the first ballot. Thus the psychic is wrong in the prediction, which evidently obtained national circulation.

(At least, I told Jane tonight after I’d remembered that I’d forgotten to clip the article for my predictions file, we know where the article is on file, where it can be located if necessary: at the newspaper office. I speculated about the reactions of public personalities when their predictions don’t work out. I hoped their errors are not rationalized, or made just for the publicity, since the psychics have to live with them. We’ll keep a lookout for any follow-up articles on the subject, but I suppose it will die like any other item in yesterday’s news. What do the predictors secretly think in such situations, though? No one is perfect. Jane hasn’t tried to predict similar events. For some of Jane’s predictions see Appendix A.

(Jane, for her part, said she didn’t particularly feel like having a session tonight, that she was “doing it just to do it.” I suggested that by all means she have it. She’s been feeling better at times, so our new program is getting some kind of results.)

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

(10:05 P.M. “I can’t remember any of that,” Jane said. “I just know I didn’t have any of that in my head before the session.”

(This is certainly magical — Jane’s performance as Seth, in the sessions. This note, which I wrote a couple of days later, was inspired by Seth’s material in this session:

(“Seth, of course, not only dictates his magical material — the session — but must keep the whole session in mind while doing so, so that each sentence as he delivers it makes sense compared to its predecessors, and those to follow. Quite a feat on his part, and Jane’s, once you stop to think about it. How is this possible? Seth has no script to go by, nor can he refer during the session to my own notes to check up on what he’s already said.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

“‘Have you ever noticed,’ I said to Jane the other day, ‘that everything on earth remains the same except human activity?’ Jane has heard it all before. It’s one of my favorite notions, and one from which I draw — with my own kind of perverse humor, it seems — great comfort and stability.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

“Anyhow, each morning when I scatter birdfeed in the driveway of the hill house, the cardinals and the mourning doves, the chickadees and the blue jays and the other birds are waiting in the nearby Russian elms, the oak tree, or lined up on the telephone wires. Their behavior is the same each morning. If Jane and I and our house evaporated between one day and the next, and our lot was magically transformed into its native habitat, the birds would simply switch to ‘natural’ seeds instead of consuming the sunflower seeds, millet and other grain products that our marketplace so conveniently packages for them.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

2. This session was held on August 13. Thirteen days later, Jane and I were most intrigued to read an article in a national publication in which researchers show, after eight years of tests, that not only do women do most things as well as men — they actually outperform men in many areas, both intellectually and intuitively.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Tom started school a year after I had, and I helped him obtain a room in the same school-approved boarding house that I lived in, with other students. I told Jane that at first I was somewhat jealous of Tom, probably feeling that in some way he was intruding into my own special relationship with Miss Bowman. Jane said that makes my dream even better. This is her interpretation of the dream:

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

4. Two days after delivering the first session for The Magical Approach, Jane made notes about her mental exchange with our dear longtime friend, “Mary” (the name I’ve given her):

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

“Difficult to recall, and what I do recall makes no sense to me at all. In vivid color: I dreamed that Jane and I were eating at a little table in an open-air restaurant or cafe-type setting. It was a beautiful summer day. Our friend Mary came up to us. She was by herself and I don’t recall her saying anything to us. She was carrying a large sketch pad, perhaps a 22-by-30-inch size. One would expect the pages of the pad to be white, ready for drawing. Instead, as Mary lifted the cover of the pad, holding the pad out for Jane and me to see, we saw that the top page was covered by a lovely large floral pattern of leaves and flowers, as one might see on bedsheets these days. I examined several pages of Mary’s pad and saw that all of them were covered by the same design, in reds and greens, etc. The pattern made the pages of the pad quite useless for their ordinary purpose. I woke up several times with this dream in mind, telling myself to remember it.”

And Jane’s interpretation, written on the same day I had the dream:

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

But, I told Jane, she did a far better conscious and intuitive job of interpreting my dream of Mary than I ever could. I’m grateful!

A note: Several hours before she held today’s session, Jane wrote:

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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