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TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 2/82 (2%) magical intellect Mary rational pad
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Three: Man and Other Species. Mistakes as Corrective Action. Definition of the Magical Approach
– Session Three August 13, 1980 8:57 P.M., Wednesday

[... 57 paragraphs ...]

“In vivid color, as usual: I dreamed that in New York City I had gone back to my first love, drawing comics. Not comic books, however, but a syndicated fantasy-adventure story to be run in color and take up a full Sunday newspaper page. Very unusual. I saw my art for the first page, perhaps half again as large as the printed version would be, lying on a flat drawing table. It was in black ‘line’, but also with flat washes of color. For comic books, I had drawn only the black plate. The printer had furnished the color plates.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

“Difficult to recall, and what I do recall makes no sense to me at all. In vivid color: I dreamed that Jane and I were eating at a little table in an open-air restaurant or cafe-type setting. It was a beautiful summer day. Our friend Mary came up to us. She was by herself and I don’t recall her saying anything to us. She was carrying a large sketch pad, perhaps a 22-by-30-inch size. One would expect the pages of the pad to be white, ready for drawing. Instead, as Mary lifted the cover of the pad, holding the pad out for Jane and me to see, we saw that the top page was covered by a lovely large floral pattern of leaves and flowers, as one might see on bedsheets these days. I examined several pages of Mary’s pad and saw that all of them were covered by the same design, in reds and greens, etc. The pattern made the pages of the pad quite useless for their ordinary purpose. I woke up several times with this dream in mind, telling myself to remember it.”

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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