1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session thirteen septemb 24 1980" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Just before we sat for the session Jane finished reading my account of my “light of the universe” experience of last Sunday evening, September 21, and my account of the experience involving … clairvoyance … precognition … that I’d had at naptime today, involving my idea for a novel and an article in tonight’s Star-Gazette, Elmira’s daily newspaper. I describe both of these events in my dream notebook.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(9:31.) Give us a moment … As you lay there you were aware of the fact just beneath consciousness — usual consciousness — that you had not brought in the paper before your nap, as is your habit, and almost at a dream level you idly wondered what stories it might contain. Your inclusion of the hospital mixup in the tale was, as, you suspected, connected with the medical ideas you have been dealing with of late (in extra notes for Mass Events, and the book by the physician) — and here was an excellent fictional idea, you see, that could, among other things, bring those ideas into prominence.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The events themselves discussed in the newspaper article point up the same kind of magical affiliations. The c-e-l-l-s (spelled) of the young men in question were always in communication, and all of those elements needed to bring about such a reunion took place at that magical level of activity. Consciously, intellectually, the boys had no idea they were triplets. You live personally in a world of lush creative ideas. Your intellect is aware of that. (Pause.) It is used to working creatively. The focused intellect can indeed activate the intuitive abilities — and the healing abilities. You get what you concentrate upon.
[... 27 paragraphs ...]