1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session thirteen septemb 24 1980" AND stemmed:seri)

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 1/43 (2%) mixups triplets novel box mall
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Thirteen: Rob Using the Magical Approach. Precognition
– Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 9:24 P.M., Wednesday

[... 37 paragraphs ...]

The story unfolds when the mother uncovers evidence of a mixup in the baby complex at the hospital: She had been given only one of her children, or some such affair; either that, or she had managed to adopt a baby from there. Either way, she finds out through much detective work that a whole series of mixups had occurred in the hospital that day — that in the Elmira area there are several sets of parents who have been raising the wrong children all these years. There had been mixups in the hospital because of new help, etc. I thought it would make a great novel as all of the entangled threads were unwound, and considering the emotional tangles that had been built up over the years as parents raised children they thought were theirs.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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