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TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 9/43 (21%) mixups triplets novel box mall
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Thirteen: Rob Using the Magical Approach. Precognition
– Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 9:24 P.M., Wednesday

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(Jane hasn’t felt her best today: She’s had a lot of soreness because of muscular changes taking place. First she decided to see if she could have a session, then at 9:10 she decided against it. But when I said I’d return to typing Monday night’s session, in a rather humorous turnabout she decided to hold a session tonight after all. “If he comes through he’ll be doing good,” she said. “I don’t feel him around.” As I wrote these notes at 9:20, however, she did begin to feel Seth’s presence. “You’re not deserted after all,” I said.

(Just before we sat for the session Jane finished reading my account of my “light of the universe” experience of last Sunday evening, September 21, and my account of the experience involving … clairvoyance … precognition … that I’d had at naptime today, involving my idea for a novel and an article in tonight’s Star-Gazette, Elmira’s daily newspaper. I describe both of these events in my dream notebook.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I must say that I hadn’t expected Seth to discuss the event this evening, nor had I asked that he do so. Also, for someone who wasn’t sure they wanted to hold a session to begin with, Jane’s delivery was excellent — usually fast and quite emphatic throughout.)

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

(10:09 P.M. “Brilliant, hon,” I said to Jane as she quickly came out of her trance state. She was pleased. For someone who hadn’t known whether they wanted a session, she’d done very well, with her delivery being often fast and emphatic. I told her that it looked as though Seth used my newspaper incident to actually summarize in capsule form much of the material he’s been giving us in this latest group of private sessions. “You couldn’t ask for a better demonstration of the whole thing,” I said.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(A note: the way things “work” … On Thursday morning—the day after this session was held — Jane and I saw the three young men referred to in the newspaper article on a well-known variety show. Very interesting. One of them said he’d had “a dream” about having brothers. The others weren’t as definite, but at least indicated they hadn’t felt alone. The TV host never referred to the fact that the three youths were actually members of quadruplets — that a fourth brother had died at birth, according to the news article. Neither did the brothers. I also mentioned to Jane the similarity in the adoptive last names of two of the brothers: Kellman and Gelland.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I lay down for a nap in the bedroom after Jane got up from her own. I had the following ideas as I lay in that state between waking and sleeping. I found myself musing about what I thought was a great idea for a novel. I tried to describe it to Jane as we ate supper and watched the news on TV.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I think that the idea of mixups in the hospital came from a book Jane and I have been reading the past week, written by a doctor who warns against medicine, delivery rooms, the whole bit, in the establishment practice of medicine. He wrote that such baby mixups are far from rare. Then as we sat on the couch, I remembered that for the first time in literally months I’d forgotten to bring in the evening paper, so we could look at it while we ate and watched TV. I almost invariably bring in the paper before I lay down for a nap before supper, so Jane can read it while I sleep.

On the front page of the paper was a rather long story, with photographs, telling how triplets were united by “chance” last weekend in New York City — a case we hadn’t heard of in the media before now. I’d forgotten to describe my idea for a novel to Jane, but the article immediately reminded me to do so. There were similarities in the story that reminded me of my own experience. The first two of the brothers were reunited through a friend (instead of a mother, say) who noticed the resemblance between them. Turns out the three were given up for adoption at birth, and although they knew they were adopted, they didn’t know they belonged to what actually had been a quadruplet group. (A fourth brother had died at birth.) Their unknowing would match my own dreamlike idea of the two young men living in the Elmira area but not knowing of each other. Even the ages of the triplets — 19 years — places them fairly close to my son’s age of 25 in my reverie, rather than, for example, brothers in their 40s.

I was quite struck by the similarities between the news story and my own experience. Jane thinks that because I forgot to bring in the paper before I lay down, I may have tuned into it, out there in the box beside the mailbox. I didn’t have any strong feeling that I had, however, but get a few thrills as I finish this account.

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