1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session ten septemb 10 1980" AND stemmed:bodi)

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 4/33 (12%) education Bowman official unlearning culture
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Ten: Education and Culture. The Natural Person
– Session Ten September 10, 1980 8:48 P.M., Wednesday

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Ruburt’s body is repairing itself now at an excellent rate.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In actuality, the body’s response to such information is always instantaneous, whether or not the results show at once. Ruburt is beginning to hold a more “realistic” picture of how overall reality works. He is managing to disentangle himself from many disadvantageous cultural beliefs — beliefs that both of you for years, like other people, took for granted.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

The body’s natural healing processes each day rid people of diseases, repair emotional or bodily illnesses — and such instances go largely unrecorded. Ruburt accepted the magic of a poem, but not the magic of health or mobility, because he was convinced that mobility stood in the way of his other abilities.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt’s body is then magically and naturally repairing itself in a function just as creative, of course, as the inner work that goes on in the production of a book or a poem — a fact he is finally getting through his head. When your proofreading is over, and Ruburt’s recovery even more fully demonstrable, we will return to a book session a week, and continue this series the other [weekly] session. We can also expect some improvement in vision, as that area is now being worked on.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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