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TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 1/35 (3%) translating poetry playacting rational ancient
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Seventeen: Jane’s Skill as Ancient as Man Is. The Species’ Multitudinous Abilities
– Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 8:55 P.M., Wednesday

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt translates what I give him without being consciously aware of receiving the material in usual terms, or of translating it. It has to be broken down, particularly to a time frame, and then into concepts that can take advantage of the world view that is held in your culture. Everything must be slanted to fit the viewpoint of creatures who believe most firmly in the superiority of matter over mind — who are immersed in a particular biological framework.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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