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TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 7/35 (20%) translating poetry playacting rational ancient
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Seventeen: Jane’s Skill as Ancient as Man Is. The Species’ Multitudinous Abilities
– Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 8:55 P.M., Wednesday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 9:10.) It is very difficult to try to explain the various shadings of psychology that were involved. Early man did act in a more spontaneous manner, more automatically, in your terms, but not mindlessly. If you remember the early portions of our latest book (Mass Events), then this information should fall into place, for consciousness emerged from the inside outward. Animals enjoy drama, and in their fashions they playact.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Poetry was an art and a science. It conveyed quite necessary information about man and the universe. The same can be said of many cave drawings. What you had — what you still have, though you are not nearly as aware of it — was an excellent give-and-take between the inner and outer senses. Through chanting, dancing, playacting, painting, story-telling, man spontaneously translated inner sense data into physical actualization. The physical senses only present you with clues as to your own sensitivities.

Ruburt translates what I give him without being consciously aware of receiving the material in usual terms, or of translating it. It has to be broken down, particularly to a time frame, and then into concepts that can take advantage of the world view that is held in your culture. Everything must be slanted to fit the viewpoint of creatures who believe most firmly in the superiority of matter over mind — who are immersed in a particular biological framework.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Long pause.) Now: The species has multitudinous abilities, each necessary, each adding to the entire fulfillment and attributes of your people. Some individuals choose to specialize, following specific lines of abilities throughout many existences — accommodating these, however, to the times in which they are born. Both of you have been speakers in that regard. The methods may change. You may “speak” through art or music, through trance activities, but you will specialize in the use of the inner senses, and in translating the inner knowledge of the species, bringing it to whatever level of ordinary consciousness that is considered the official one.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause at 9:45.) There are as many frontiers as there ever were, and there is no catastrophe that will annihilate consciousness, or put an end to earthly life. When you think in terms of earth’s destruction, or the ending of the world, you are thinking of course of a continuum of time, and of beginnings and endings. From your viewpoint in space and time, it seems that planets have come and gone, stars collapsed, and when you look outward into space, it appears (underlined) that you look backward into time. (Long pause.) There are great pulsations, however, in existence — pulsations that have nothing to do with time as you understand it, but with intensities.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

End of session. A small note to our friend — again — to trust the great power of the universe that forms his own image, to trust his spontaneity, and his body’s natural urges toward relaxation, motion, and creativity, as these show themselves in their own rhythms.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

“To me at least, poetry — like love — implies a magical approach to life, quite different from the presently accepted rational way of looking at the world. That is, poetry brings out life’s hidden nuances. It delights in forming correspondences between events that seem quite separate to the intellectually-tuned consciousness alone, and reveals undercurrents of usually-concealed actions that we quite ignore when we’re most concerned about thinking rationally. Actually, that kind of vision contains its own spontaneous rationality, and often supplies us with answers more satisfying than purely intellectual ones.”

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