1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session seventeen octob 15 1980" AND stemmed:live)
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(The second game of the World Series started at 8:30 — I think — tonight, although I hardly glanced at it on television as we made ready for the session; the set went off after the first [scoreless] inning anyhow. I had a letter half done for Jeanne Miles, my well-known artist friend who lives in New York City. Mitzi was chasing one of her paperfoil toys down the cellar stairs. …
(I’d just finished typing the last few pages for Monday night’s session, and I asked Jane what she thought of my final note: I’d speculated about any reincarnational connections that might tie her abilities to speak for Seth, without help of any modern kind, to the abilities ancient man had displayed, when, according to Seth, he’d been able to carry all of his history with him mentally. As ancient man had lived without the news media we’re so used to, so does Jane speak for Seth without all of that modern help. I hadn’t expected Seth to go into related material this evening.)
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1. Jane called her book of poetry If We Live Again: Or, Public Magic and Private Love, and Prentice-Hall published it in 1982.
Poetry was her first, childhood love, and it remained a powerful creative factor throughout her life. Indeed, in some of her earliest poetry we found concepts that Seth was to elaborate upon many years later. As Seth told us in 1979, Jane had been a poet all of the time, in its most profound meaning. She’d been letting If We Live Again grow for some time as she selected poems for it from the many she had written, and kept writing.
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