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TMA Session One August 6, 1980 1/59 (2%) rational assembly magical approach measurements
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session One: Assembly-Line Time Versus Natural, Creative Time. The Rational Mind Versus the Artistic Mind
– Session One August 6, 1980 8:48 P.M., Wednesday

[... 54 paragraphs ...]

“Any event, therefore, has an invisible thickness, a multidimensional basis. Your skies are filled with breezes, currents, clouds, sunlight, dust particles and so forth. The sky vaults above the entire planet. The invisible [vault of] Framework 2 contains endless patterns that change as, say, clouds do — that mix and merge to form your psychological climate. Thoughts have what we will for now term electromagnetic properties. In those terms your thoughts mix and match with others in Framework 2, creating mass patterns that form the overall psychological basis behind world events. Again, however, Framework 2 is not neutral, but automatically inclined toward what we will here term good or constructive developments. It is a growth medium. Constructive or ‘positive’ feelings or thoughts are more easily materialized than ‘negative’ ones because they are in keeping with Framework 2’s characteristics.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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