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TMA Session Nine September 8, 1980 5/32 (16%) stomach Hall Prentice logic medical
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Nine: The Body’s Reasoning as Logic. Belief Systems
– Session Nine September 8, 1980 8:43 P.M., Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“I just hope I can handle it,” Jane said again. Meaning the session. “There’s so much going on in my body at one time it’s hard to handle that too,” she laughed. She referred to the continuing series of changes — improvements — taking place all through her body. At the moment these involve definite extra mobility — and soreness and itching — in her ankles and feet, for example. Right now her arms look longer, straighter. Today she’s been “pretty well out of it,” while trying to help me get through the changes we want to make in the copy-edited Mass Events. She’s helped a great deal here, writing the initial version of certain notes, which I’ll then add to before returning the manuscript to Prentice-Hall for printing.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

There has been one rather remarkable improvement in Ruburt’s performance: getting to his feet. That is the result of the body’s magical reasoning — for the body reasons so quickly, so clearly and concisely (pause), that its deductions, its logic, are far too fast for the intellect to follow. The body reasons directly. The body’s reasoning transforms itself into action, with nothing to stand between its elegant logic and the (pause) logic’s brilliant execution. Ruburt could not possibly follow all of the manipulations necessary so that the recent improvements could take place. Again, bodily efforts are as magical, as creative, certainly, as the writing of a book or a poem (intently) — but Ruburt in the past trusted his creative abilities as if they were something he had to guard from his physical self.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

That is all I have to say there. They are a mainline publisher, which means that their books go to people in all walks of life — in libraries and bookstores and so forth. It is much better that the books compete in such a fashion with the other material of your times, rather than be published, say, by a specialty house, or coddled along the way, for we speak to all of those people.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“I was so aware of my body today,” she commented, “that I wondered if I’d be aware of it during the session, but all I remember is drinking wine — which is the kind of thing I usually remember.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

My present uncomfortable state isn’t drastic, by any means, but it is getting my attention — which, after all, is the reason I’m creating it to begin with. Maybe I’d be better off, I told Jane, if I’d just blow my top. Only who, or what, would I direct my frustration to, or at? On the one hand Jane, Seth, and I want to see our work presented to the world as originally conceived, as a way to offer ideas to think about. On the other hand, I can visualize the dilemma those at the publisher’s feel when they’re being asked to print ideas that are, at least in part, so contrary to accepted belief structures in a very important field.…

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