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TMA Session Four August 18, 1980 1/59 (2%) Gus glass magical assumptions door
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Four: Science and Science’s Picture. Desire as Action
– Session Four August 18, 1980 9:10 P.M., Monday

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Now in your dream you got the feeling of that kind of work, or action. It is the given power of the world, the given power of nature. It is the directed force of value fulfillment.2 In other terms it is of course the energy of All That Is. The trouble is that the rational view of life has separated man from a sense of his own power source. When he has a problem, the rational approach to its solution seems the only answer, and often, of course, it is no answer at all.

[... 39 paragraphs ...]

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