1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session four august 18 1980" AND stemmed:effort)

TMA Session Four August 18, 1980 1/59 (2%) Gus glass magical assumptions door
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Four: Science and Science’s Picture. Desire as Action
– Session Four August 18, 1980 9:10 P.M., Monday

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

This will allow you to include the feeling of inner, magical “work” into your calculations. It would also begin (underlined) to give you a feeling for the magical support that upholds you both, and your lives — the support that Ruburt can count upon, and that can bring about the solution to his physical difficulties. Here, again, the vital word is ease or effortlessness. If you want to (long pause) feed a dog in the physical world — and he is on the other side of the door — you must open it. In the inner world you or the dog can walk through the door without effort, because desire is action. Desire is action.

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

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