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TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 2/40 (5%) George Laurel target magical rational
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Five: Styles of Thought. Combining the Magical Approach and the So-called Rational Approach
– Session Five August 20, 1980 9:08 P.M., Wednesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(We sat for the session at 8:45. Jane has been feeling considerably better: “My backside feels 75% better,” she said again now. I’m back working on the chronology for Seth’s latest book, Dreams, and have been doing some paintings involving my own dreams. Jane has done excellent work interpreting the dreams; some of my nighttime excursions have resulted from these sessions on the magical approach.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

In other words, the magical approach and the so-called rational one are to be combined in a certain fashion for best results. People sometimes write you, telling of their intent to make money — or rather, to have it. They concentrate upon money, so they say, and wait for it in full faith that it will be attracted to them because of their belief and concentration. They might do the point of power exercise,2 for example. They may also, however, have quit their jobs, ignored impulses to find other work, or to take any rational approaches, and rely upon, say, the magical approach alone. This does not work either, of course.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

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