1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session five august 20 1980" AND stemmed:our)
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A continuation of our discussion.
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When the intellect is improperly used, however, it is as if the intellect feels required to somehow know or personally direct all of those inner processes. When the erroneous belief systems and negativity connected with so-called rational reason apply, then it is as if our person sees the target, but instead of directing his attention to it he concentrates upon all of the different ways that his arrow could go wrong: It could fall to the left or the right, go too far or not far enough, break in the air, fall from his hand, or in multitudinous other ways betray his intent.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
2. Seth emphatically says: THE PRESENT IS THE POINT OF POWER. According to him, the point of power is where flesh and matter meet with spirit. That juncture embodies the actions and beliefs we choose to draw from all of our previous points of power. From our current present we project, for better or worse, those choices, plus any new ones we may decide upon, into each of the presents we’ll be creating throughout the rest of our lives. The contents of our projections, then, are of supreme importance.
As Seth suggests, through even a five-minute exercise, in which we sit quietly and look about, we can become aware that the present is the point of power. In his exercise, we gently remind ourselves that we aren’t at the mercy of our past beliefs unless we think we are. We have the full freedom to insert new creative goals in our point-of-power exercises. Next, we relax, to give our fresh suggestions time to begin working within us. Next, physically we make a simple gesture or act, no matter how modest, that is in line with our desires for the future. Periodically we repeat the exercise — but easily, without pressure, confident that we’re doing well. Action is thought in physical motion, Seth tells us. …
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Obviously, some ESP class members met counterparts in class. But I know that I’ve also met a counterpart outside of class, and later in life: Laurel Lee Davies, the beautiful young lady from Iowa who’s been my loving companion for some years now, following Jane’s death in 1984. Laurel is helping greatly as we put The Magical Approach together. She is doing invaluable work as a research and editorial assistant; studying Jane’s notebooks, journals, and poetry, and putting together material from those sources to be included in this book. She has also been working with and choosing the published and unpublished Seth sessions for The Magical Approach. Laurel moved here in 1985 with us having that job for her in mind. I feel that Laurel’s and my relationship is a clear case in which a long-standing “unknown” counterpart connection came into our consciousnesses when we were ready for it to, and that eventually it led to our meeting. Laurel has been involved with Jane’s, Seth’s, and my work since November of 1979, when she was 24 years old. Her boyfriend recommended Seth Speaks to her. Although he did not believe in metaphysical realities, he had heard the book was the best of it’s kind, and they found it in a used-book store in Seattle, Washington. Laurel began writing to Jane and me in 1980 — while Seth was dictating The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events and Jane was writing her God of Jane. What interesting timing.…
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