1 result for (book:tma AND heading:"session fifteen octob 1 1980" AND stemmed:hour)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(I did say that her walking was the key to recovery: The more she walked, the less the pressure in any consistent way on other parts of her anatomy. Yet I couldn’t equate the few moments she spent walking with the half-hour rest periods, either.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
You do not project as many negative ideas upon the evening hours, and the same applies to most people to varying degrees. That is at least one of the reasons why these sessions have been held in the evening, where it was at least not as likely that you would try to invest them with the workaday kind of world values.
That is also why it is easier, generally speaking, for Ruburt to receive such information in the evening, because you are jointly free of limitations that might hamper you at other times of the day — not simply that visitors might arrive more usually then, but because you yourselves are less visited by preconceptions of what you are supposed to do in any given hour of the day.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
In a fashion, the intellect goes hand-in-hand with the imagination under such conditions. It is not that man stressed physical data less, but that he put it together differently — that in the darkness he relied upon his inner and outer senses in a more unified fashion. The nightly portions of your personalities have become strangers to you — for as you identify with what you think of as your rational intellect, then you identify it further with the daytime hours, with the objective world that becomes visible in the morning, with the clearcut physical objects that are then before your view.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
End of session — but those rhythms are also more natural to you than you have suspected. You often have freedoms, then, that you do not use — a 24-hour period that you use quite arbitrarily, one that is already sectioned for you by society — but only if you allow it to be. It can be used in any fashion that you wish.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
— and this is partially in response to your comments about the evening hours.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]