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TMA Session Eight September 3, 1980 5/27 (19%) government citizens caretaker paranoid magical
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session Eight: Nature as Man’s Caretaker. Natural Magical Reasoning and Trust
– Session Eight September 3, 1980 8:55 P.M., Wednesday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

The thinking mind to a large degree directs the activity of great spontaneous forces, [with] energy-cellular organization being, say, the captain (pause) of the body’s great energy sources. The reasoning mind defines, makes judgments, deals with the physical objects of the world, and also with the cultural interpretations current in its time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The people count upon the government to realistically define the conditions of the world, to have proper intelligence so that the activities in foreign lands are known, to keep up proper communication with other governments, and so forth. Now in some important respects the reasoning mind is like the government in this analogy. If the people in power are paranoid, then they overestimate the dangers of any given world situation. They overreact, or overmobilize, using a disproportionate amount of energy and time for defense, and taking energies away from other projects. The reasoning mind acts in the same fashion when paranoid beliefs are in power. It therefore tells all of the citizens — or cells of the body — to mobilize for action, to be on the alert, to pare down all but necessary activities, and so forth.

When a government is paranoid, it even begins to cut down on the freedom of its own peoples, or to frown upon behavior that in freer times would be quite acceptable. The same applies to the conscious mind in that situation. Now the people might finally revolt, or they will take certain steps to see that their freedom is restored, and so the body’s cells will do the same.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are given far more knowledge than you realize when you are born, for example. I am not speaking of genetic information alone, as you understand it, but of a natural (underlined) yet intuitive reasoning process that is the result of the relationships that exist among all portions of the body. This is the kind of “reasoning” that is the source from which thinking emerges, and you might think of it as magical reasoning.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Those improvements came about in their way magically, because he has begun to use and understand this material. So let him be just as impressed — in fact, more impressed — at the body’s natural healing processes, that will naturally flow and are naturally flowing when he allows himself to trust his life and the support of his own being.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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