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TMA Introduction by Jane Roberts 1/33 (3%) magical Rob camera trancetime whirred
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Introduction: A Day in which Magic Comes to Life and Seth Describes What “The Magical Approach” to Life Is

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

In the summer of 1980 I missed Seth sessions for nearly two months. I was finishing work on one of my own books, The God of Jane. Rob was preparing Seth’s The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events for publication. We were both caught up in the same events as most other people were during that June and July — the hotter-than-usual nights and days, the drought in parts of New York State that touched our area lightly, the TV news drama as the political parties argued and planned for their conventions. Some nights the (singing) bugs in the small back woods were louder than the sound of our television set. The same heat that made me groan with dismay turned Rob into some version of a south-sea island native. He looked supercool in his cut-off denim shorts; his long hair curled into natural corkscrews, his light durable frame seeming to luxuriate in the heat while my light durable frame turned into a sponge that added ten pounds of fatigue.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

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