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TMA Appendix C 2/25 (8%) Gramacy magician magic tricks coincidence
– The Magical Approach
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix C: Jane and Rob Meet a Skeptical Psychologist and His Magic. Jane’s Poem: “Magic is public as the air …”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He turned on a small recorder; classical music with a tinny quality swirled through the room. He bowed his dark head for just a moment then lifted it, those soft eyes now … softer and harder at the same time; his hands moved in rhythm with the music; his whole body was a marvel of motion; shoulders, head, arms, chest — his whole trunk, responding to the music. Then at his command, four silver dollars disappeared through the tabletop and he caught them underneath in the palm of his hands. Playing cards appeared and disappeared. He was in a trance of his own; so were Rob and I, watching. And in the back of his mind was the improbable hope that one day, somehow, the coins would really go through the tabletop. …

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

“But if you wrote down each such instance and kept track, you might find that there were too many to assign to coincidence, or discover that coincidence couldn’t apply to some at all,” I said. “You’d have your own growing body of instances to examine. You can’t prove that coincidence is or isn’t responsible for such things, but you could consider the unofficial hypothesis as a possibility. You might find that you have proof of precognition in your own life that you’re ignoring.”

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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