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There were several other themes floating about our lives … Sue Watkins’ new book Conversations with Seth about my E.S.P. classes was to appear in the fall. A vague uneasiness was growing in my mind: It seemed that Prentice-Hall was taking unusually long to officially clear The God of Jane and Seth’s The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. I expected to hear from my editor any day. In the meantime the pesty fleas continued their household tyranny and all of this was somehow wrapped around a ribbon of excitement as we watched the Democrats and Republicans battle on the news just before we left for our respective work rooms.
Yet all of those events seemed to happen in a slightly different kind of atmosphere than before, as Seth’s ideas of the Magical Approach cast their light upon current behavior. Numerous but subtle instances of “magical” orientation kept appearing in our lives. We seemed to catch tiny glimpses of ordinary events before they were fully formed, and to sense the motions of probabilities invisibly but clearly stirring in the over-heated summer air. In the beginning these suggestive events just stretched our imaginations and thoughts, but later they became numerous and persistent so that we had to take them into consideration as we made normal decisions.
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