1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:510 AND stemmed:was)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Both men approached me at the party, at separate times, and introduced themselves; both recognized and called me by name; I did not recognize either of them. Seth could develop this material, since I do not know how one of these men “influenced my life at one time,” etc. Nor was I able to make any connection with the initials or letters given, D A R..
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Jane’s own data, given at break, was also very good. See the description of her inner images during session. Don Simmons fit very well her description of a round, rather small face, with ears close to the head, no glasses, a naked kind of face. At the party however, I do not recall Jane leaping with recognition when she met Don Simmons...
(Bill Gallagher, who was at the party also, wondered if Pete Tomoski. a barber by trade, wore a toupee. This was highly interesting for Jane’s data speculated about the inner image with “no hair at the sides, or perhaps bald.” Yet not necessarily bald, Jane added, to me at the time. Checking with Tom Hartley’s wife after the party, Jane learned for sure that Pete Tomoski does wear a toupee, being self-conscious of his baldness because he is a barber...
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
(9:50. Jane left trance easily, although it had been a good one. She said she knew from the beginning of the session that Seth was “putting me out deeper.” She knew Seth was talking about his own projected book, and avoided blocking, etc. She hadn’t been using suggestion in an effort to get this material tonight.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Now. There will be a chapter on the religions of the world, on the distortions and truths within them; the three Christs; and some data concerning a lost religion (pause; one of many), belonging to a people of which you have no information. These people lived on a planet in the same space that your planet now occupies, in quotes “before” your planet existed. They destroyed it through their own error, and here reincarnated when your planet was prepared. Their memories (long pause), became the basis for the birth of religion as you now think of it. (Long pause at 10:15.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
(10:37. After the trance was over Jane said she hadn’t been trying to think of titles for Seth’s own book, etc., nor had she been speculating about its contents.)