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TES9 Session 510 January 19 1970 12/60 (20%) Simmons Tomoski chapter Hartley Pete
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 510 January 19 1970 9 PM Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Within the last two weeks Jane delivered the final version of her book, The Seth Material, to Prentice-Hall. They have asked her to do a book on Seth, dreams, and reincarnation.

(Here are some corroborative notes re pages 436-37 of the last session, dealing with our invitation to a party given by Tom Hartley on Saturday, November 29. Seth’s predictions, and Jane’s own data, given at break, were borne out very well. Seth talked about two men connected with me in the past in various ways; I would meet these men at the party. I did meet two such men, and they were together, also as Seth predicted. They are Don Simmons and Pete Tomoski, high school classmates of mine from Sayre, PA; I had not seen them for 33 years [1937]. They are friends, it developed, of Tom Hartley, a fact totally unknown and unexpected by me.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s own data, given at break, was also very good. See the description of her inner images during session. Don Simmons fit very well her description of a round, rather small face, with ears close to the head, no glasses, a naked kind of face. At the party however, I do not recall Jane leaping with recognition when she met Don Simmons...

(Bill Gallagher, who was at the party also, wondered if Pete Tomoski. a barber by trade, wore a toupee. This was highly interesting for Jane’s data speculated about the inner image with “no hair at the sides, or perhaps bald.” Yet not necessarily bald, Jane added, to me at the time. Checking with Tom Hartley’s wife after the party, Jane learned for sure that Pete Tomoski does wear a toupee, being self-conscious of his baldness because he is a barber...

(Note: Jane’s own data mentioned an image of but one person, while she felt that two were involved, or “there.” She gave a physical description of her inner image, which Don Simmons fit well. However, the hair portion of the data applies to Don’s friend Pete; whom, presumably, “Jane could offer nothing about.”

(Jane began speaking for Seth in an average voice, with pauses, with her eyes open and very dark much of the time; many and varied gestures, etc.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(For the last several days Jane has been telling me about a string of insights and realizations she has been experiencing, both asleep and awake. She feels these are very beneficial and has begun putting them to immediate use. She feels she has lately realized a group of truths that she hadn’t understood before, etc.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(By now Jane’s pace had slowed considerably, and her eyes were often closed. She took many pauses, some of them long.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(9:50. Jane left trance easily, although it had been a good one. She said she knew from the beginning of the session that Seth was “putting me out deeper.” She knew Seth was talking about his own projected book, and avoided blocking, etc. She hadn’t been using suggestion in an effort to get this material tonight.

(As we talked Jane recalled that yesterday she “had a small glimmer” that she might be ready for Seth’s material on his own book; Jane linked this information up with the recent insights she has been attaining.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(10:29. Again Jane’s trance had been good. Her last pause had been quite long; when I mentioned this Jane said she thought that Seth had been trying to get the title of his book through; at the same time Jane had been In the process of coming out of trance. Again her pace had been slow, her eyes often closed.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(10:37. After the trance was over Jane said she hadn’t been trying to think of titles for Seth’s own book, etc., nor had she been speculating about its contents.)

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