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TES9 Session 508 November 20, 1969 11/44 (25%) Rich Diane flashgun Betty photos
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 508 November 20, 1969 9 PM Thursday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The session is incomplete as far as notes go. It was held primarily so that Rich Conz, of The Elmira Star-Gazette, could photograph Jane in trance. We wanted the photos for Jane’s book on the Seth material, which is now practically finished. Rich also brought with him contact proofs of photos he took of Jane and me yesterday afternoon.

(The session was also witnessed by Diane Sorino, a friend of Rich’s. Jane and I sat for the session by 8:45, to see if one would be held, etc. Rich had not seen a session before, although he was somewhat cognizant of what would take place.

(Rich took forty shots, most of which turned out well, as we saw later. Some of them are excellent. Most of them are of Jane in trance, from a variety of angles; I appear in a few to show our procedure in note-taking, etc. We are highly pleased with them.

(The session began ordinarily enough, but before long an interaction between Rich and Seth began to show. Seth’s pace also speeded up considerably, and I began to fall behind. But more than this, words cannot really record the very humorous exchange that developed between Rich and Seth. I saw Jane, as Seth, laugh herself far more than ever before in trance. Seth did most of the talking as usual; and more and more his attention became riveted upon Rich as the latter buzzed around, taking photo after photo, with flash. The interaction between the two finally became so funny and fast paced that I laid the notes aside and surrendered to laughter.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Rich asked some good questions. Seth told us that he had been a Catholic in two past lives. In another past life, Seth said he had been a member of a religion that no longer existed in our terms; that he would tell Jane and me about it some time, and that we would find it very interesting.

(The notes that follow are verbatim, or nearly so unless otherwise indicated. They are given because there are several points in them of interest to Jane. Rich began taking pictures about five minutes after the session began.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(This passage grows out of a very recent call from Betty Taylor, of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship group, to Jane, concerning a weekend visit to Pawling, New York in early December, and a possible lecture tour of the Northeast. Betty offered to book Jane on this tour, etc.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Seth now broke off and began speaking to Rich as he moved around Jane. Now Seth was just beginning to pay some attention to the activity about him. Humorously, Jane wagged a finger at Rich.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane and Tam have been discussing her second book for P/Hall; the subject possibly to be on dreams, Seth, and astral projection.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

We can do both of them together. (Humorously:) He (Jane) need not type my own book up unless he learns to spell better, however. Tell him to give himself proper suggestions concerning my project. He has put me off on it to some extent.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(9:15. Jane left trance quickly, although it had been a good one, she said. She did not remember being bothered by the picture-taking, or the flashgun, etc.; in trance she gave no sign, for instance, that the flashgun interfered in any way, etc.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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