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TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 33/110 (30%) Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 501 September 17, 1969 9:25 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, good evening—

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. There are several points in particular that I want to discuss with you. Not my book, but points concerning your own relationship with Adam. Give me a moment.

Now. You may continue at the same level of communication with your friend Adam, or you may go beyond that level into a still greater reality. You have created your version of Adam... The version that you have created knows that you have created him. Do you follow me?

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now: You have the psychological bridge of which I have spoken in our session... I have never seen such an infernal machine (Humorously, referring to my attempts to get the recorder properly adjusted.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are beginning to form this psychological bridge. Now when you form it you do so with the inner realization that it reaches from you outward and you expect something to be on the other side, or the bridge would be useless. Do not, however, identify the bridge with what waits on the other side. The bridge is a living psychological bridge because in this type of communication feelings and emotions are involved. A steel bridge would get you nowhere. You are weaving threads of psychic energy, insights, and realizations, and also certain personality characteristics to form this bridge outward. Now you are beginning at your end and in doing so you form the initial version of your Adam. As this, Adam is highly legitimate and an aid.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now taking our analogy of a long bridge, you are now here. (Seth-Jane gestures indicating Tam’s end of the imaginary bridge.) So with your Adam you must either take him and form the rest of your bridge, with the joy of adventure, not always knowing who may be at the other end, forming their own structure; or play around with the Adam version in which case you will get no further than you are. I am not telling you to do one thing or the other. I am merely pointing out the possibilities.

Now: the personality on the other end of the bridge will be the reality behind Adam.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

A certain portion of Adam was: the version was... you had a body consciousness of a protective nature, but this was only one portion of an entire personality who has yet to appear. Now there is a reason for the bridge framework. The bridge framework takes exercise, understanding, and knowledge on both of your parts, therefore there would be no communication of a strong valid nature until your personality is able to maintain it, for the bridge will not be strong enough to hold. Otherwise there would be too many implications and personality difficulties that could arise.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now: In your dreams the other personality can communicate and without the psychological bridge framework, but only in dream reality. When you are ready, you will be able to remember these encounters. I suggest therefore that you write them down in the morning. Over a period of time, you see, these will collect. You will be able to recall various messages and relate these to your own experience. Do you follow me?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now: For these reasons I have not wanted you to put too much strain upon Adam, to expect him to be this other personality, or to berate him by comparing him to such another personality. For again, he is your version of this, and he is a way. He will lead you there, if that is where you want to go.

To a large extent, as he is now he has arisen out of you. Now he can indeed disappear back into you at this point, and with little care on your part. He would not disappear as an inner awareness. He would exist within your psyche as a small but definite organization of characteristics that would continue within themselves to retain a sense of identity. He would also for continue his protective devices for your own physical body. You would not overly miss him if he did this at this time.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

But also Adam will have changed, at this point. He will be drawing energy from this other personality. He will be able to do more. But he will still be your version. Later if the process is continued, you will make valid contact with the personality for whom Adam now stands. This personality will then speak, communicate through Adam. Adam will then take on the characteristics of that other personality. He will still not be that personality. He will indeed be the psychological bridge, the psychological framework, structure and image through which that personality can communicate. Do you follow me?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Good. I could not say this to you in a letter. Now, I do not like the term ascending selves. You follow me?

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now, I am glad you are giving the notes the boot. (Humorously, to RFB.) I will do anything but write the notes for you.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now: In your marriage and relationship your whole emotional climate has turned direction. Hers has changed direction, so that now you have the two together. So that in any psychic development or work that you do, you do not only have your own emotional strength or current, but another with you. As a result you have more potential, more leeway. Also, as a result anything that one of you do will have an effect on the other, and you will notice this in psychic work. When you are highly involved you will feel additional strength from your relationship. If there is any strong aversion, you will be doubly pulled away. Do you follow me?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Give me a moment. I believe that the information was correct as far as Adam knows of it. I will have to check. There is a thirty-year difference in birth dates. I will let you know and Ruburt can give us the information... I believe I am with the wrong side of the family (pause). I am not sure here but we do seem to have an uncle. Now this is supplementing the material given by Adam. We have an uncle who deals with vestments...if the term is vestments, having to do with the making of garments of a ceremonial nature.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You can also find many connections between psychic activity and color and painting in which you are interested. Now I will tell you, you have never seen the colors of a rainbow unless you have seen them from an out-of-body state. If you want to see the colors of a flower, or my dear friends, of an apple, you must get out of your body to do so. Now you do not need to feel that his psychic abilities close you out, or that you do not have your own: or that his abilities will draw him away from you, for they would only bring him closer. Your own abilities are here to be used also, and in your own unique fashion.

You have never seen what design is until you see a spider’s web when you are out of the body. You have never seen what design is until you see a spider’s web from the spider’s viewpoint. Now you can learn to do this. You can use your psychic abilities, to throw your consciousness into the spider. Your body is a very handy mechanism and I do not suggest that you step out of it too long. However, as the earth’s atmosphere hides the conditions in the universe from your scientists, so also do the conditions of the body blind you to true color and design. Now you can develop in this way.

You can also develop along the same line in the dream state if you give yourself the suggestion that when you are dreaming you will see color truly and remember the colors that you have seen. You will remember them, and you can try to reproduce them. Now these colors are like nothing in this world. (Humorously.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now you have some latent inclinations of a musical nature as I mentioned earlier having to do with past-life experiences. Now simply in a spirit of fun, you see, you can use your abilities, and I will give you hints if you request them. You can use your abilities to hear the kind of music with which you were one time acquainted. This music is part of your experience though you have forgotten. Now: when you hear this music, in your mind try to translate it into color and design. And when you think of color, then, sense its motion.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now the sound of the music will suggest colors to you and the colors themselves may appear in your mind as designs. Now all of this involves use of the inner senses, it involves an examination of the inner world. You must look inward with as much wonder as you look outward, and then the two worlds merge. Do you follow me?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now since this new venture is a partnership then also remember that in these psychic endeavors there must be a partnership and there will be no difficulty. Also the energy involved in your particular field (Tam’s) and her particular activities will benefit you both. You will each add to the experience of the other.

Now (to RFB), I hope you are taking some of this to heart.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, he would remain the individual that he is, as much as anyone ever remains the individual that he is. He would not turn into Adam. I would make a comment here, but I would not.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I would see nothing wrong, myself, with the transformation. Now: to some degree you see you are intuitively aware of Adam’s true nature (to Eve here), and on an intuitive basis you even relate to the Adam you sense within Aerofranz, but you do not realize when you are doing this. Adam in this respect would be the superior qualities that you sometimes sense in him, the Aerofranz that you know... This does not mean that Aerofranz on his own does not have superior qualities. (Humorously.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You can also yourself participate in another way. (To Eve.) You would do very well—I can see now, however, that this will not appeal to you and it is to some degree an unusual knack—but you would do very well in finding lost animals. You would have a knack... particularly in finding dogs. You would do very well also in dealing with animals where you cared for them and picked homes for them. On one level I can see this does not appeal to you. On another level, however, you would do very well. It is a knack from previous experiences, a knack you may never use. You may add it to your list of accomplishments. (Humorously.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I mentioned some conditions existing in your work environment. (Eve.) Give us a moment. There seems to be a shifting on three different layers: the first shift as mentioned earlier beginning in approximately three months, followed by two more shifts, this both of policy and some personnel. If you ride along with it you will be all right. Now we are speaking here of probabilities. At the time of the second shift you could decide to leave, misinterpreting what is going on. There seems to be an older woman connected with the second shift. She is approximately middle-aged, far older than you. I am not sure here, the name of Catherine comes to mind.

When the process is finally over you will be two steps ahead of where you are now, and two steps along this way. You will not directly be connected with the same department, but someway two steps away from it, but you will also be two steps higher. Now one of these shifts may also concern a young man, he will either suddenly leave or it will be a young man suddenly arriving on the scene. I get a T initial here. And in the background the name of Tom, or a last name, Thomas.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([RFB:] “May we take a break now to rewind the tape?”)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now: it is quite possible for you at this point now to visit this room. Give yourself the suggestion.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Place your emphasis upon being in this room, and the trip will take care of itself. You will be able I believe to do it now. (To Tam.) And you (to Eve) may be able to do it now. If you choose the proper circumstances and get the idea when the conditions are good, then you can do it now.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now I speak through Ruburt. Looking at him you cannot see me and yet you know that I am here. (Voice very loud. Voice continues quite loud through the following passage.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are a you who has a consciousness and you can use this consciousness as you will. You can send it out, use it like a flashlight. You can light a universe with it. You are not your consciousness. You are a self who is conscious and has a consciousness. Now I want all of you, including my friend here (Rob) to contemplate the part of you who has this consciousness to use. There will seem that there is no place to go beyond that point. And there will appear an apparent dilemma. And yet the dilemma will lead to a further discovery. And by the time you know enough to throw that question back at me, that I have just asked you, then I will have more to tell you concerning the initial creative dilemma of which I have spoken.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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